1 The Reach Out Project
2 Who are we ? An inter-agency, training project, on refugee protection, that was initiated in 2001, and will phase out by the end of 2005…
3 Our Working Group is composed of: Care International, InterAction, International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA), International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies (IFRC), International Rescue Committee (IRC), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), OXFAM GB, Save the Children, Swedish Red Cross, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), World Council of Churches, and World Vision.
4 Since 2001, the Reach Out Project has benefited from the support of: Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BPRM)- United States of America State Department, Foreign Affairs Canada (DFA), OXFAM GB, Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), as well as contributions in kind and/or locally agreed with various NGOs and UNHCR…
Training Schedule A Pilot Initiative
6 ToT in Dakar – Workshop in Abeche 5 day ToT in Dakar - 7 to 11 December Host agencies: OFADEC & Oxfam GB 3 day Workshop in Abeche, Chad - 18 to 20 December Host agency: SECADEV/CRS
7 Strategy Increased involvement of ex Reach Out ToT participants => practice and enhanced participation ToT and direct replication through a 3 day workshop => commitment is made concrete and feasible Training cost recovery through local actors => enhanced involvement and institutionalisation Reach Out is coordinating, coaching and supporting + Evaluating, drawing and sharing lessons learnt from this experience
Strategy & Activities The Reach Out Project
Strategy & Activities Training Materials revision Training & Anchorage Phasing out activities
10 Training Materials Revision => Conducted by the project team, the WG members and some external resource persons with the support of an external consultant: Activity 1: materials revision & upgrade in ENG Activity 2: design of an introductory pack aimed at senior managers => Testing, evaluating, reviewing => Integrating modules on « IDPs », and on « Gender & SGBV » from NRC & Women’s Commission Activity 3: editing of the RO training pack => Translating into AR, FR & SPA
11 Introductory pack for senior managers Objective: enhance support at senior management level for refugee protection programming in order to anchor protection know-how inside organisations. 3 modules => ½ day - Module 1: introduction to the RO project and refugee protection. - Module 2: refugee protection issues and current debates. - Module 3: institutionalisation and anchorage
12 Training & Anchorage Implement the reviewed training pilot process tested in Senegal-Chad, Dec => 3 training initiatives in 2005 (in AR, ENG & SPA) Within key regions: Egypt with Cairo University, Eastern Africa and Latin America Careful selection of locations, host agencies and participants
13 Strategy Increased involvement of ex Reach Out ToT participants => practice and enhanced participation ToT and direct replication through a 3 day workshop => commitment is made concrete and feasible Training cost recovery through local actors => enhanced involvement and institutionalisation Reach Out is coordinating, coaching and supporting + Evaluating, drawing and sharing lessons learnt from this experience
14 Phasing Out Activities Ensuring the materials revision & Translation; Carrying out the training initiatives in the 4 languages; Small funding raised locally; Communicating, representing, liaising about the RO project and phasing out strategy & activities; Exchanging with other training projects; Designing and producing 2 specific RO products: a bilingual pocket booklet & CD, and a pedagogical tool; Identifying the repository options for the training materials; Conducting a final evaluation/LL and an external audit.
15 Repository of the training materials Reach Out Web Site remains Diversification & Regionalisation ALNAP/ODI E-Center, Japan Forced Migration Online - Tufts University ICVA Inter Action IFRC CD « From principles to action » RedR network Relief Web UNHCR/PLP initiative, … any other ideas?