1 Emission inventory of PCDDs/Fs in the Czech Republic Ivan Holoubek, Jiří Kohoutek, Pavel Machálek RECETOX - TOCOEN & Associates Kamenice 126/3, 625 00.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Emission inventory of PCDDs/Fs in the Czech Republic Ivan Holoubek, Jiří Kohoutek, Pavel Machálek RECETOX - TOCOEN & Associates Kamenice 126/3, Brno, Czech Republic Phone: ; fax: Dioxin emissions in Candidate Countries. Kick Off Workshop of a DG_ENV funded project. March 10, 2003, Bratislava, Slovakia

2 Emission inventories: the UN ECE Task Force on Emission Inventories was established to help developed the procedures and methodologies for emission estimation and reporting for various persistent air pollutants. - An Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook is currently being prepared within this Task Force ( - The Guidebook is organised in the form of chapters, each representing various categories, subcategories, or even activities that generate emission of atmospheric pollutants. - The Guidebook also includes information on main groups of PBTs (POPs). Emission inventory of POPs in the CR R - T & A Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

– 1995:the Department of Foreign Affairs Canada, through the Greenplan initiatives, funded two studies to review the information on emission measurements in the former Czechoslovakia (1993) and Czech Republic (1995), which could be used to elaborate emission rates/emission factors of POPs – 1995: the Department of Foreign Affairs Canada, through the Greenplan initiatives, funded two studies to review the information on emission measurements in the former Czechoslovakia (1993) and Czech Republic (1995), which could be used to elaborate emission rates/emission factors of POPs. This study was co-ordinated by Axys Environmental Consulting Ltd. (Sidney, Vancouver, Canada) and involved the joint co-operation of scientists from Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Norway and Canada. The major outputs: I. Holoubek et al. (1993): Compilation of Emission Factors for POPs: A Case Study of Emission Estimates in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Z. Parma et al. (1995): Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidelines for POPs. R - T & A Emission inventory of POPs in the CR Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

4 During period , Czech Republic has performed a very broad project concerning the measurements of emission factors and emissions from typical sources of POPs. These results were used for actual emission inventory of POPs on the territory of the Czech Republic. The summary of results from these measurements for PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs/Fs and HCB is shown in the following Tables. R - T & A Emission inventory of POPs in the CR Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

5 The main sources of POPs in CR: combustion of fossil fuels and wastes (coal fired stations), local heating systems) metallurgy, heat coal conversion processes, production and use of coke, asphalt and coal tars, catalytic cracking, traffic waste waters, landfills, crematoria, PAHs and carbon black production, forest fires, R - T & A Emission inventory of POPs in the CR Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

6 Emission inventory of POPs in the CR R - T & A Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

7 R - T & A Emission inventory of POPs in the CR Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

8 The results from this research project were compared with the official emission inventory of POPs on territory of the Czech Republic, which was prepared by Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. The emission balance was processed from available information on emission factors (including technological state of sources in the evaluated time period) and capacity data (consumption of fuel, heat supplied in fuel, production of selected technologies) for the years The sources of emission factors were mainly the measurements of emission sources, which were performed in CR during the period (control measurements, research projects). Capacity data sources were the database of the Register of Emissions and Air Pollution Sources (REZZO), Statistical yearbook of the Czech Republic. Capacity data sources were the database of the Register of Emissions and Air Pollution Sources (REZZO), Statistical yearbook of the Czech Republic. R - T & A Emission inventory of POPs in the CR Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

9 The minimum, maximum and average emission values were calculated for the required time period on the basis of this information about emission factors. The overall emission balance was prepared according to the 2001 work-plan for the implementation of POPs Protocol of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Elimination of the outlying data and establishing of the representative emission factors for individual source categories were performed because of the wide range of emission factors. New data were added from the updated 3rd edition of Euroepan Guidebook. R - T & A Emission inventory of POPs in the CR Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

10 Emission trend of PCDDs/Fs [g.y -1 ] in the CR – R - T & A Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

11 R - T & A Emission structure of the most important categories of sources – PCDDs/Fs Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

12 Conclusions The most important sources of selected POPs in CR are: PAHs – local heating, coke production, mobil sources; PAHs – local heating, coke production, mobil sources; PCBs – sinter plants, mobile sources, power plants; PCBs – sinter plants, mobile sources, power plants; PCDDs/Fs – local heating, HWI; PCDDs/Fs – local heating, HWI; HCB – power plants, local heating, sinter plants HCB – power plants, local heating, sinter plants R - T & A Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

13 Future topics  The measurement of other category of sources  Additional measurements of basic categories  Verification of EFs  Validation of source information R - T & A Machálek, NPOPsINV, 2002

14 R - T & A Druh dopravy Rok ID 348,4304,4372,0403,2444,4433,3454,6436,6368,2338,0254,6201,1 AD 5,74,34,03,42,93,43,32,94,24,14,65,1 SND 23,223,531,432,854,761,369,984,567,680,084,888,8 MHD autobusy 2,11,61,71,51,31,72,0 2,12,02,22,4 ŽD mot. trakce 5,64,03,72,42,02,93,12,52,62,32,02,3 VD 0,50,4 0,3 0,40,50,20,3 0,2 LD Doprava celkem 385,5338,2413,2443,7505,6502,9533,4528,9445,0426,7348,5299,8 Evaluation of POPs emissions - transport – Total emission of PCDFs in CR [mg] Adamec, NPOPsINV, 2002

15 R - T & A POPs are emitted from traffic or are transported. Emission inventory – relative without problems – inventory based on the consumption of combusted fuel; emission factors are known. Releases of transported comodities. Evaluation of releases from the roads – spatial, temporal and local uncertain estimates. Inventory of wastes from the transport (very variable (old cars, reconstruction of roads..) Emission of POPs from the traffic is strongly influenced by age of cars Dramatic increasing of amounts of cars Unsufficient evidence of transported harmfull compounds Problems in POPs traffic inventory Adamec, NPOPsINV, 2002

16 R - T & A Source evaluation of POPS atmospheric emissions in the CR - projects of R&D Ocelka et al., NPOPsINV, 2002

17 R - T & A POPs emissions from local heating systems - effect of co-combustion of coal and biomass Ocelka et al., NPOPsINV, 2002

18 R - T & A Ocelka et al., NPOPsINV, 2002 PCDDs/Fs emissions form combustion of various types of oils