Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – no rubbish William Scott Mackereth 2T
How can we change the world? Turn lights off when you leave the room Plant more trees for cleaner air Turn the tap off while we’re brushing our teeth Do less electrical things like watching TV Turn things off at the switch Don’t pollute the air with smoke
Why reusing is important Not throwing stuff away like a consumerist society You can reuse lots of things like: Cardboard boxes Paper Bottles Lunchboxes
Recycling Recycling is different from reusing because you can make stuff into things, such as: Paper into cardboard Rubber tyres into playgrounds Dirty nappies into park chairs
Nappy recycling A disposable nappy can take 500 years to break down Australians use 800 million disposable nappies each year – enough to fill the MCG three times Disposable nappies can be recycled and made into park chairs, jetties and other things