Opinion Writing in Grades 1-3: RECYCLING Adapted by Angel Peavler, KWP RSPDI Team bfrom NWP i3 College Ready Writers Program and Kentucky Writing Project
Mini-Unit Overview Writing Reading Argument MINI-UNIT Emphasis # of Lessons ARGUMENT SKILLS PRODUCT ELEMENTS OF ARGUMENT CLOSE READING STRATEGIES RESPONSE TO READINGS TOPICS Draft, Feedback, Revise, Reflect Close reading strategies Writing & talking to develop knowledge on topic or issue Using text-based evidence to support an opinion 4 Lessons Entering Skills: Using Flipbook format for writing Partner sharing Ind. sentence writing in response to a question Foundational Skills: Giving text-based evidence Citing the source Digging Deeper: Finding an audience Product: Multi-page flipbook (First I Thought, Then I Learned, Now I Think) Researching to make an informed opinion Giving reasons based on evidence Reading or Viewing TWICE Scaffolded writing: First I Thought, Then I Learned, Now I Think) SHOULD WE RECYCLE? 3 shared readings (image, video, article)
Writing Standards Emphasized in the Mini-Unit Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic. Write opinion pieces in which they state an opinion, giving reasons. Write opinion pieces in which they provide a concluding statement or section.
Mini-Unit Sequence Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Introduce research question (inquiry) Begin Flip Book First I Thought: Write in response to research question. Study first image Partner share Study text in the image Then I Learned: Write in response to research question. Watch video Watch again, with sentence stems in hand to aid note-taking Then I Learned: Continue writing in response to research question. Read article twice (guided and then partner reading) Add to “Then I Learned” entry. Re-read flip book. Write a conclusion (“Now I Think…”) that shares opinion about the research question (Should We Recycle?) Partner sharing Optional Class discussion: Who needs to know this? How could we share what we know?
This is our research question. Starting Our Flip Book Should we recycle? Write this on the flap. This is our research question. Day 1
Should we recycle? What do you think? Think-Pair-Share This could be a time for think-pair-share or you could have students stop and wonder before writing on the first page of the flip book. Some teachers create a quick chart of student ideas from the think-pair-share time to scaffold them as they write.
Should we recycle? What did you and your partner think? I don’t know if we should recycle. I think we should recycle because_______________. I think we should not recycle because ___________. Fill in the blanks with some of the students’ ideas. Some students will need scaffolding; some will not. You may want to show this slide after students start writing, directing the attention of those who struggle to begin to these samples of ways to begin.
Page 1 of Our Flip Book Should we recycle? First I thought… Write this on the next flap.
Fill the first flap: First I thought… Remember what you and your partner talked about? Use the space HERE to explain your thinking.
Should we recycle? Text #1 Now let’s start our research. We’ll look at several texts to gather information about recycling. We’ll read this text TWICE and write about it TWICE. Give students a copy of this slide so that they can see the image clearly and read the text. You can eliminate the note in red. First Reading: Study the image. Turn and talk: What do you notice about this picture of a landfill?
What Did We Say in Partner Talks? After observing the picture of the landfill, I noticed that ________________________. I learned that ______________________. The picture shows that _______________. Capturing our thinking
What Did We Say in Partner Talks? After observing the picture of the landfill, I noticed that lots of things we throw away could be reused. I learned that our garbage goes to a landfill. The picture says that if more people would recycle we wouldn’t need so many landfills. I wonder if that is true. STUDENT SAMPLES
Page 2 of Our Flip Book Should we recycle? First I thought… Then I learned… Write this on the next flap.
Let’s continue writing: Then I learned… Use the space to explain what you noticed about the picture. In a moment we’ll add more facts.
Should we recycle? Text #1 Now let’s take a second look. Let’s examine the information! What do the numbers tell us? This can be done in partners or as a whole class.
What Did We Learn from the Numbers? After reading the text, I found out that ________________________. The text shows that ____________________. The chart says _______________________. Provide stems IF students need this scaffolding. You might ask them to practice using the stems in reporting out. Capturing our thinking
What Did We Learn the Second Time? After reading the text, I found out that we throw away paper, plastic, metal, paper, grass clippings. The text shows that 81% of landfill trash can be recycled. The chart says that most of what we throw away is paper. Record your classes’ ideas on a chart so that students can see good models for their responses. Student Samples
We’re Still on Page 2 of Our Flip Book Should we recycle? First I thought… Then I learned… (HERE)
Let’s continue writing: Then I learned… Now we’ll add more facts. You may use ideas we recorded as a class or you may write your own sentences.
What did you learn about recycling from watching this video? More RESEARCH! Text #2 What did you learn about recycling from watching this video? Share with a partner. Is recycling worth it? CBS News Day 3
What Did We Say in Partner Talks? After watching the CBS News clip “Is Recycling Worth It?” , I learned ___________________. According to the Deputy Commissioner of NYC Sanitation Department, ________________. The CBS News clip “Is Recycling Worth It?” reports that ___________________. It can be helpful to give students a copy of this slide and then to watch the clip a second time. We are teaching students to pay attention to the SOURCE of information. Watch again and capture your thinking.
What Did We Note the Second Time? After watching the CBS News clip “Is Recycling Worth It?”, I learned that if we recycled we would save tens of millions of dollars. According to the Deputy Commissioner of NYC Sanitation Department, 2/3 of our waste is recyclable. The CBS News clip “Is Recycling Worth It?” reports that the NYC Sanitation Department gets paid to recycle paper. Student Samples These are just a couple of examples taken from the video. Use your students’ ideas to put in the blanks.
Return to Our Flip Book Should we recycle? First I thought… Then I learned… Find this spot. Here you will continue recording new learning about recycling. Use the back of the sheet, if needed. You may want students to “draw a line of learning” to separate information gleaned from this new text from the facts recorded earlier.
Use the back of the flap or add a new sheet, if needed: Then I Learned… Use the space to explain facts about conserving natural resources that you learned from the video. If students need scaffolding, create a class chart of ideas first. You may want students to draw a “line of learning” so that they can separate the information gleaned from this new source.
A Way to Help Planet Earth Let’s READ and RESEARCH to find out more! A Way to Help Planet Earth Text #3 Listen as the text is read aloud. Then partner-read this page before talking about what you’ve learned. DAY 4: Now that we have a background on the issue (developed from accessible texts such as the chart and video), it’s time to read a grade-appropriate text. Copy these slides for students. Note: If this article is too hard for your students, consider reading it aloud focusing first on the sequence of pictures. Another option is to substitute a text on a lower reading level.
A Way to Help Planet Earth Text #3 Listen as the text is read aloud. Put your finger on the picture that matches what you are hearing. Re-read the text with your partner before talking about what you’ve learned.
Let’s capture things we learned about Recycling After reading “A Way to Help Planet Earth”, I learned __________________________. “Time for Kids” explains that ______________. Based on what I read in “A Way to Help Planet Earth”, _________________________________. We are modeling that opinion writers CITE their sources.
Let’s capture things we learned about Conserving Natural Resources After reading “A Way to Help Planet Earth”, I learned that everyone can recycle, even kids. “Time for Kids” explains that an old bottle can become something bigger and better if you recycle. Based on what I read in “A Way to Help Planet Earth”, I think we should recycle so the Earth isn’t covered with trash. Record your own students’ ideas on a chart. Student Samples
Use the back of the flap: Then I Learned… Go back to this same page. Explain what you learned about conserving natural resources after reading “A Way to Help Planet Earth.” You may use ideas we listed as a class or you may write your own sentences.
Finishing Our Flip Book Should we recycle? First I thought… Then I learned… Now I think… Write this on the last flap. THEN RE-READ YOUR FLIP BOOK!
Fill the last flap: Now I think… After re-reading your flip book and thinking about the research we have done, you should have some ideas about what we should do about trash or about conserving natural resources. Use this last space to explain your thinking. In other words, now that you’ve done the research, should we recycle? Day 5
Sharing Read your flip book to your partner. Talk about ways you plan to recycle! Day 5 or 6
Something to think about…
Digging Deeper…. (optional) Class discussion topic: Who needs to know this? How could we share what we know?
Next Steps Students could take their new learning about conserving natural resources to another audience, developing posters or creating a podcast. Students could develop other flip books on new topics, using the same process. A revision study could be planned. Students would select ONE flip book to turn into a polished piece.