CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM Funding Opportunities & Strategy for the CARMA Network Mike Gill & Michael Svoboda CARMA-6 December 6 th, 2009 US Fish and Wildlife Service
CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM Program Funding: CBMP Strategy Have SC members with access & influence with national funding agencies Start small, stay focused and have clear work-plan and apply for specific project funding Ruthlessly Piggyback and leverage existing funds Invite funding reps/managers to CBMP meetings and workshops
CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM Program Funding: CBMP Strategy Position program internationally and engage policy discussions (UNESCO, GEO, CBD, Environment Ministers meeting, AC meetings, etc.) Focus on early targeted products and outreach/communication Explore non-traditional funding sources (e.g. Foreign Affairs, Foundations)
CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM CBMP Funding Strategy: The Results Current funding = 375% increase since 2007 Multiple project funding sources: Canada, U.S. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, EC, UNEP, Netherlands and Finland New funding offers from: 6 European nations Jim Reist © Carsten Egevang ©
CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM CARMA – Future Needs Need money for: – Annual Workshops – Facilitation of the implementation of scaled research and monitoring (reference and secondary herds) – Ongoing Data Management and reporting – Communications and Outreach products and activities
CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM Potential CARMA Funding Sources Foundations: Oak, Gordon, Nansen, etc. Industry: Oil/Gas, Mining, IPY companies National: Foreign Affairs Departments, Environment Departments, National funding agencies (e.g. NSF, NSERC) International: Nordic Council of Ministers, EU Life+, EU Framework 7
CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM CARMA Funding Strategy? 1.Keep it SIMPLE: Annual meetings, coordinator role, strategic research and monitoring approach as part of the Synthesis Volume… 2.Be RELEVANT: Develop tools and products that are useful and facilitate reporting and decision-making 3.Have a PLAN: As result of Synthesis, develop a 5 year strategic implementation plan incl. outreach, DM and funding
CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM CARMA Funding Strategy? 4.POSITION CARMA clearly in larger processes (CBMP, SAON, GEO, CBD Post 2010 Indicators) and show how CARMA outputs feed reporting and decision-making 5.MARKET: Show and advertise CARMA products and contributions; develop communications- outreach plan (videos, brochures, etc.), market products to decision-makers. Spin-off products from Synthesis.
CIRCUMPOLAR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING PROGRAM CARMA Funding Strategy? 6.Stay FOCUSED and leverage existing funds 7.ENGAGE influential people: Steering Committee, program ambassadors, funders to attend meetings, present at AC meetings (CAFF and possibly SAO), maintain local support