REVIEW FOR CHAPTER 6 TEST (TOMORROW 10/2612). What was Thomas Jefferson's job in President Washington's cabinet? What is that job's duty? SECRETARY OF.


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Presentation transcript:


What was Thomas Jefferson's job in President Washington's cabinet? What is that job's duty? SECRETARY OF STATE FOREIGN AFFAIRS

What was Henry Knox's job in President Washington's Cabinet? What is that job's duty? SECRETARY OF WAR MANAGE MILITARY AFFAIRSMANAGE MILITARY AFFAIRS

What was Alexander Hamilton's job in President Washington's Cabinet? What is that job's duty? SECRETARY OF TREASURY FINANCIAL AFFAIRS

What are the three parts to Hamilton's Financial Plan? Pay off the National DebtPay off the National Debt Pay bondsPay bonds (certificates issued in exchange for loans) in full (certificates issued in exchange for loans) in full Federal Government should pay off all states debts Federal Government should pay off all states debts

Why was the National Capitol placed in Virginia? The South did not want to pay off the debts that the North had to pay off. In trade, Hamilton said that he would locate the capitol in the south (VA & MD)

What are the two reasons that Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a National Bank? This would provide a safe place to deposit government funds and establish uniform currency (paper money)This would provide a safe place to deposit government funds and establish uniform currency (paper money) The bank could make loans to assist the government.The bank could make loans to assist the government.

In 1789, what established a federal district court for each state? Washington’s: Judiciary Act of 1789

What were Pennsylvania Farmers protesting against in 1794? What did this protest put to a test (and it passed)? TAXES (on Whiskey ) On the Constitution

What did President Washington say was the best way to handle foreign disputes and involvement in foreign affairs ? Stay Neutral Neutrality Proclamation

What are the three parts to Jay's Treaty? Northern boundary with British CanadaNorthern boundary with British Canada British acknowledgement of the neutrality of the U.S.British acknowledgement of the neutrality of the U.S. Britain received “most favored nation status” with the U.S.Britain received “most favored nation status” with the U.S.

Who did France want the U.S. to pay $250,00.00 to see (name and job)? What was the name given to this situation? Prime Minister –Tallyrand XYZ Affair

What was the treaty that recognized the boarder between the U.S. and Florida and also gave the U.S. use of the Mississippi River ? What countries had this treaty? Pinckney's Treaty Spain

What are the three main points to George Washington's Farewell Address? “steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world”“steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world” Dangers of forming political partiesDangers of forming political parties Government is good if it is based on religion and moralityGovernment is good if it is based on religion and morality

What is the term that is defined as loyalty to a particular part of the country (which further contributed to the formation of political parties)? SectionalismSectionalism

Who were the leaders of the Federalist party? (1796)? –Alexander Hamilton –John Adams

Who were the leaders of the Democratic Republicans in 1796? Thomas Jefferson James Madison

What political party was Merchants, Manufacturers, lawyers and church leaders from New England and the Atlantic seaboard tended to support? Federalists

What political party was comprised of planters, small farmers, wage earners, artisans, workers, and trades people. Very strong influence from frontier and the south? Democratic Republicans

John Adams and Thomas Pinckney ran for which political party in the presidential election of 1796? Federalist PartyFederalist Party

Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr ran for which political party in the presidential election of 1796? Republican PartyRepublican Party

What were the series of laws created by President Adams intended to protect the nations and to weaken the republicans? Alien and Sedition ActsAlien and Sedition Acts

What denounced the Alien and Sedition Acts as unconstitutional? Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

In the election of 1800 who were the two Republican Candidates for President? Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr

In the election of 1800 who were the two Federalist Candidates for President? What was the outcome of this election? –John Adams –Charles Pinckney

How was the dispute over Presidency settled (specifically, where did the decision get settled)? Who spoke out against whom? Jefferson and Burr tied Congress (House of Representatives) was asked to make the decision. Alexander Hamilton said that Burr was a bad candidate. Jefferson won.

What was added to the Constitution that requires electors to vote for presidential and vice presidential candidates on separate ballots? 12 th Amendment

Who shot Alexander Hamilton? Aaron Burr

President Adams was a "lame duck president", in his final hours as president what did he appoint? (nickname) “ Midnight Judges”

What Adams appointed Chief Justice established many basic principles of U.S. Constitutional law? John Marshall

What is the first case of Judicial Review? What is Judicial Review? Marbury vs. Madison the power of the courts to declare an act of Congress Unconstitutional

From what country did we buy the Louisiana Purchase? What person was in charge of that sale? France Napoleon Bonaparte and James Monroe

What did the Louisiana Purchase do the size of the United States? How much did we pay for it? Doubled our size $15 Million

Jefferson went against what "interpretation" by authorizing the purchase of the Louisiana Territory? Strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution

Who explored the Louisiana Purchase? What was the name of their Indian guide? Lewis and Clark Sacagawea

What did Britain start to do to our sailors on the high seas (1800)? Impressed our seaman (forced them into the British Navy)

What are two ways that President Jefferson respond to the British actions to our sailors on the high seas? Were these actions effective? Embargo (Embargo Act of 1807) Non-intercourse Act

What was the name of the ship representative of the attacks British made upon our sailors on the high seas? USS Chesapeake.

What is the name of the group that wanted to go to war with Britain? Who were the two leaders of this group? War Hawks Clay and Calhoun

What was the name of the Indian who led the tribes of the Indiana Territory against the U. S. troops? Tecumseh

Who was President of the U.S. when we went to war with Britain in 1812? James Madison

What are the two main reasons we went to war with Britain in 1812? Impressments of American sailors Supplying weapons to Native Americans in the West

Who fought at Tippecanoe against Tecumseh and his forces? William Henry Harrison

Where did the Americans focus their attacks on Britain? Where did the U.S. have success in Naval battles in the War of 1812? Who was the Naval Commander who said, "We have met the enemy and they are ours!" British Canada Great Lakes Captain Oliver Hazard Perry

Where did Britain attack and burn an entire district of the U.S.? Why did they have a sudden surge of power? Washington D.C. They had ended their war with France, they focused on the U.S.

Who saved some precious valuables from being burned down by the British? (such as a famous portrait) Dolley Madison

What General led a group of Volunteers to fight against a British attack in New Orleans? Was he successful? General Andrew Jackson Yes, they held back the British

What is so ironic about the Battle of New Orleans? It was fought after the peace treaty had been settled. (the war was over)

What is the treaty that ended the War of 1812 ? The Treaty of Ghent

Was anything gained by the war of 1812? It was a draw. But it was a turning point for the U.S.

What political party was eliminated by the War of 1812? What was the new "surge" felt in the U.S. after the War of 1812? The Federalist Party “Nationalism”