Consumer Decisions: The Environment Mr. Ervin East Hardin Middle School
Big Idea Individual and families need to make consumer decisions due to the numerous products/services on the market, multiple advertising techniques, and the need to make responsible financial management decisions. Accessing and assessing consumer information, comparing and evaluating products and services, provides basis for making effective consumer decisions. Consumer decisions influence the use of resources and the impact they have on the community and environment.
Responsibilty You have a responsibility to other people and our planet. Global climate change is a reality. Our wasteful habits and damaging activities are harming the environment. We have to do some damage control now to stop further harm of the environment.
Goods Americans use more consumer goods than any other country in the world. Each of us throws away about 4 pounds of trash per day! Most of our trash is trucked to landfills – we’re running out of these. We’re also using up natural resources – paper, oil, water, mountains, and metals – just to make the things we throw away.
What can we do? We need to be aware of our wasteful habits and change them. By practicing the three Rs (1. Reduce 2. Reuse 3. Recycle), we can: Reduce solid waste (garbage and other refuse) Save our diminishing natural resources Create less air and water pollution Release fewer greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
Reduce Cut down on the amount of paper you use. Buy items in bulk! – saves packaging Refuse store bags. Carry out small items. Cut down on use of disposable items – paper items. Walk more and drive less. Take shorter showers. Turn off electrical appliances when you aren’t using them.
Reuse Don’t throw away disposable containers. – saves money Don’t throw old stuff away – yard sale or donation Use cloth towels instead of paper towels. – saves money Recharge batteries (don’t leave the charger plugged in all the time) – saves money Pass on books and magazines to friends, hospitals or senior centers.
Recycle Many things can be remade into the same product or a new product. – recycled paper (same as new) Always Recycle: Batteries & Aluminum Cans Cardboard Copy Paper Glass Magazines &Newspapers Plastic Bags & Bottles Tires
Recycle How can I do my part to recycle? Different Communities have different rules about recycling. In some places, trucks will visit your home; in others, you may have to take items somewhere. Buy recycled materials whenever possible.