Background Before Earth Day was founded, air, water, and land pollution were rampant as industries paid little attention to the environment.
Examples Most cars were bulky, and got poor gas mileage.
Examples Freeways popped up all over America, allowing cars to travel faster from place to place.
Examples Harmful pesticides were used that seeped into ground water.
Examples The Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio was so polluted that it caught fire 13 times!! Sparks from passing trains would ignite pollutants, such as oil, and literally catch the river on fire.
The EPA On January 1, 1970, the National Environment Protection Act was put into place. This helped to establish the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA. The EPA is responsible for managing environmental risks and regulating various sanitary-specific policies.
The EPA Today Handles: Acid Rain Air pollution Beaches Chemicals Climate Change Coasts Drinking Water Estuaries Garbage Greenhouse Gases Green Living Hazardous Spills Hazardous Waste Health and Safety Indoor Air Quality Land cleanup Land Issues Lawn and garden care Oceans Watersheds Wetlands
Earth Day Earth Day was founded on April 22, 1970 by concerned citizens. The following slides detail some concerns we have for the environment.
Oil Spills
Power Plants
Polluting Factories
Raw Sewage
Toxic Dumps
Loss of Wilderness
Endangered Wildlife
The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
Recycling Recycling is also extremely important. Recycling varies from town to town, but common items can be recycled.
Top 10 things to recycle: 1. Aluminum 2. PET Plastic Bottles (Water Bottles) 3. Newspapers 4. Cardboard 5. Steel Cans 6. HDPE Plastic Bottles (Hard Plastics like milk containers) 7. Glass Containers 8. Magazines 9. Mixed Paper 10. Computers
Reminder We can all make a difference! Be sure to recycle and don’t litter! Simple choices lead to a happier planet!
Sources Cuyahoga River Fire. Ohio Historical Society Web. 21 Apr Earth Day: The History of A Movement. Earth Day Network. Web. 21 Apr Molland, Judy. Top 10 Most Important Items To Recycle. CARE2.COM, INC. 26 Aug Web. 21 Apr United States Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 21 Apr