Microorganisms & Bacteria Section 1.1-4. Microorganisms Very small, living things that you need a microscope to see Three kingdoms include microorganisms.


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Presentation transcript:

Microorganisms & Bacteria Section 1.1-4

Microorganisms Very small, living things that you need a microscope to see Three kingdoms include microorganisms – Archaea – Bacteria – Protists

Characteristics of living things Organization (cells) Growth Reproduction Response

Needs of Living Things Energy Materials Living space

Viruses Genetic material enclosed in a protein shell Viruses are not living things – Not as complex as a cell – Do not take in energy – Do not grow once formed – Cannot reproduce by themselves H1N1 virus

Viruses Multiply inside living things (hosts) – Attachment – Injection – Production – Assembly – Release Host is usually damaged or destroyed

Bacteria Simplest kind of life on Earth – Single celled – Do not contain a nucleus Classified by shape Spiral Rod Round

Bacteria Producers - make own food – Contain chlorophyll – Perform photosynthesis Decomposers – break down dead or decaying material – Recycles material Parasites – live in or on other organisms

Bacteria Helpful – Release oxygen into the air – Recycle materials – Clean up sewage and oil – Make materials useful (Nitrogen fixing) Harmful – Cause disease

Archaea Single-celled organisms that can survive in the largest range of environments. Do not contain a nucleus. – Methanogens – produce natural gas. Can not live in oxygen – Halophiles – live in very salty water – Thermophiles – live in extreme heat or cold

Protists Organisms with a nucleus that do not belong to animal, plant or fungi kingdom – Most live in water – Most are single-celled – Have simpler structures

Protists Algae – plant-like protists (photosynthesis) Plankton – organisms that drift (not swim) in water Protozoa – animal-like protists (eat others) Decomposers – absorb food from environment (molds)