Sustainability By Sophie Hamilton
Introduction Hi Room 8, this is my project on sustainability. This project is about keeping our environment safe, healthy & clean. So enjoy my project!
Lets start on Rubbish! California has more than 36 million people and everyday each of us throws away about 2.7kg of trash, as you can imagine this adds up to be a lot of garbage! Plastic bottles take 700 years to begin composting. here are some amazing facts! 90% of the cost of bottled water is due to the bottle itself 80% of plastic bottles are not recycled 38 million plastic bottles go to the dump per year in America from bottled water (not including soda) 24 million gallons of oil are needed to produce a billion plastic bottles The average American consumes 167 bottles of water a year Bottling and shipping water is the least energy efficient method ever used to supply water
Aluminium Recycling 1 Aluminium can, can save enough energy to run a TV for 3 hours! Enough Aluminium is thrown away to rebuild a commercial air fleet 4 times every year.
Glass Glass can be used an untold number of times 41,000,000,000 glass containers are made each year. Wow! Recycle 1 glass jar and save enough energy to light a bulb for 4 hours.
Plastic Did you know that we use enough plastic bags to make a trail to the moon? So should we not use reusable bags instead of plastic bags? 70% of recycled plastic is turned into saved energy instead of other things. Five 2 litre bottles makes enough fibrefill for 1 jacket.
Paper Did you know that New Zealand recycles 20% of its paper when it could recycle 75%? While it's true that collecting used paper and recycling it into new products is good for the environment, the wood in paper can be recycled only about five times before it gets too weak and breaks down. Trees and forests help us by cleaning our air, soil, and water - and provide a place for you to camp and hike! So stop wasting paper!
If we can all be green, we can save the world! Here are ways to be green! Drawing on 2 sides of a piece of paper instead of 1. Turning the lights on only when you need them. Giving the overgrown clothes to someone smaller than you. Think of new ways to conserve Remind grown ups to be green too. You can help the world by planting a tree.
The End I hope you enjoyed it Room 8.