We go to elementary schools and educate younger students there, about their environment and what they can do to protect and save it. We love to recycle!!
There are many projects we have done is the past: Water Bottle Filling Stations Rain Garden Composting School Audits on Energy Consumption Light’s Out Fridays Plant’N Pulls
A group of students go out into the community and remove invasive species. Thanks to many volunteers, including ND Secondary students, more than 180 cubic metres of invasive English ivy have been removed from the Delta Nature Reserve. Hundreds of native shrubs and ferns have been planted instead.
Whenever it rains, runoff water containing toxins, road salt, grit, excess fertilizers, pesticides, cigarette butts, plastic and paper enter our local streams The polluted water harms fish health and is bad for the local ecosystem A rain garden naturally absorbs and filters runoff water, instead of allowing it to flow into local streams.
In the past, we sold Aluminum Water Bottles in the foyer They were for five dollars – Can still be bought, if you wish They were a great success
Plastic water bottles cost about $2.00 or more per day Aluminum Water Bottles cost about $10 per year In the overall scheme, which costs less?
It’s just filtered tap water, even declared that their water comes from a well which they then filter! Why not just buy a Water Filter from Walmart or Canadian Tire?
One of the easiest ways to conserve energy is unplugging your electronics. Turn the lights off in a room that nobody is in Throw your trash in the proper bins
Recycling helps the environment a lot. There are many ways you can recycle.