Official Principles: Internationalism Multiculturalism Mediation Compromise Peaceful Change
Manages day-to-day foreign relations through: Multilaterally- wide rang of relationships in international organizations Bilaterally- direct relations with other countries e.g. NAFTA
They are responsible for co-ordinating: Canada’s response to international security Protecting Canadians and Canadian facilities abroad Handling international terrorist acts involving Canadians Managing relations with foreign diplomats in Canada E.g: One Main Policy: promote human rights and democratic values
Objective: Promote the country as a business leader and to negotiate trade agreements that will help Canadian businesses compete in the international marketplace.
The Department of National Defence (DND) has 3 objectives: To protect Canada To contribute to world peace and international security To protect Canadian interests abroad.
The Canadian forces contribute to global security, peace and stability. Involved in every UN peacekeeping mission since its creation. This includes: The Balkans (1991), Somalia (1993), Rwanda(1994) etc.
Canada is the sixth highest military spender among NATO countries billion dollars. Many believe this is too high, and it can be used on social programs. Others believe it should be increased to insure Canadian Forces can fulfill their roles as peacekeepers and defenders of Canada.
The main voice for Canadian Foreign Aid. Donates billions of dollars to international development assistance programs. Supports projects in more than 150 countries. Distributes in 3 ways: Multilateral aid- International Agencies Tied to certain conditions to help promote Canadian goods and services NGOs
1. meet basic human needs with healthcare, education etc. 2. promote gender equality by support programs that foster equality of woman. 3. help developing countries and countries in transition. 4. promote democratic values, good governance and respect for human rights 5. to promote economic development 6. help developing countries protect their environments.