Community Legal Service Direct John Sirodcar Head of Direct Services
Accessing Community Legal Service Direct National helpline Website - Legal information leaflets
Local rate call from anywhere in England and Wales Free, independent and impartial legal advice ‒ Specialist advisers 9am - 5pm weekdays ‒ Listen to information messages 24 hours a day ‒ Order leaflets ‒ Help finding a local adviser Specialist debt, welfare benefits, education, employment and housing advice
Figures from 05/06 Web visits (not hits) 2.0 million Leaflets distributed 2.5 million (350k downloaded) Total telephone calls 50k per month
Developing the helpline Key problems in existing service Limits of IVR system – 7 options max. Capacity Directory line service – meeting client expectations with no effective referral process Greater VFM
Expanded service Key features Operator service Managed referral Greater specialist level capacity Direct transfer to other help lines Potential to help ½ million callers by 2008/9
Client feedback March % were satisfied’ or very satisfied’ by the service 99% said their adviser was professional, courteous and knowledgeable 3% said they would not recommend us (97% would – Industry average is 70%)
Client feedback “This service was fantastic. When I called I was very upset and didn’t know what to do. They helped me in every which way they could and now I haven’t got my problem. They sorted it out.” “Very, very helpful. I had been worried for months with the problem. I had my fears settled after talking to your adviser.” “I think your service is a godsend without it many desperate people (like ourselves) would be completely lost and eventually exposed to threats and pressure from debt collectors, which would make our lives not worth living.”
PLEAS Links? Reviewing our leaflets (more “crisis” centred and a call for action) ASDA commissioned to look at existing “how to packs”; existing quality and gap analysis CLS Direct focused on LA eligible clients and categories of law Developing on line advice tools and links via IM or telephone to specialist advisers Volumes of consumer research re leaflets and marketing materials. DCA (Atul Sharda) has other details
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