The broad, flat part of a leaf. BLADE
The stem-like part of the leaf. PETIOLE
Can you identify the leaf division or leaf type? SIMPLE
A type of leaf where the leaflets form a pattern that resembles a feather. PINNATELY COMPOUND
Can you list at least two ways in which to identify a tree? REPRODUCTIVE PARTS SIZE & SHAPE BARK & FRUIT LEAVES
Can you identify the compound leaf type? PALMATELY
Another name for a deciduous tree or tree with leaves. BROAD LEAF
The pattern by which leaves are attached to a stem or branch. LEAF ARRANGEMENT
Can you identify the leaf arrangement? OPPOSITE
A leaf with one blade and one petiole. SIMPLE
The place where the stem of the leaf attaches to the branch. NODE OR BUD
Can you identify the leaf venation? PINNATE
A leaf with one petiole and many separate blades. COMPOUND
A type of leaf where the leaflets form a pattern that resembles the palm of your hand. PALMATELY COMPOUND
Can you identify the leaf margin? TOOTHED OR SERRATED
Another name for a coniferous tree or tree with needles or scales. NARROW LEAF
The leaf type defined as either simple or compound. LEAF DIVISION
Can you identify the leaf division or leaf type? COMPOUND
Feather-like vein pattern found in mostly elliptical shaped leaves without lobes. PINNATE
The multiple leaves or blades that make up a compound leaf. LEAFLETS
Can you identify this leaf arrangement? ALTERNATE
A curved or rounded projection caused by a notch or sinus in the leaf margin. LOBE
The bottom of the leaf blade. LEAF BASE
Can you identify the leaf venation? PARALLEL
The outer boundary or edge of the leaf. LEAF MARGIN
The vein pattern in a leaf. LEAF VENATION
Can you identify this leaf margin? ENTIRE OR SMOOTH
Leaf venation where the veins do not touch like in tropical plants and ferns. PARALLEL
How does the petiole aid in photosynthesis? TURNS THE LEAF TOWARDS THE SUN.
Can you identify the leaf venation? PALMATE
What is the function of the leaf blade? COLLECTS THE SUN’S ENERGY FOR USE IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
Fan-like vein pattern found mostly in leaves with lobes and sinuses. PALMATE
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