a better place to live Parents’ Reading Meeting Developing reading skills through home languages
a better place to live Reading Reading is an important part of children’s learning. It is a skill that children need in all areas of the curriculum. A good level or competency in reading can aid children’s progress in school. Research demonstrates that if parents read with their children, children’s reading standards can improve. Establishing regular times at home to read with your child, and using strategies that are consistent with school, will significantly support your child’s reading. Schools have reading programmes and schemes in place but reading is taught in many ways, such as through: - independent reading -paired reading -group reading -reading activities with staff -games -use of school library -visuals in the school environment -curriculum areas -reading schemes.
a better place to live The reading process Reading involves much more than reading the written word. Children need to acquire skills which will help them in becoming better readers and will also support their writing, e.g. Book handling To be able to handle books, turn pages. To know print is left to right. Vocabulary To learn new words and build on their own vocabulary. To develop ideas for their own writing. Text To recognise letter names/letter sounds. To use phonetic sounds to read/decode words. To develop increased confidence with reading familiar/unfamiliar words. To develop fluency in their reading. To use expression in their reading. Comprehension To learn how to speak and listen around the story. To learn how to read with understanding. To understand how to make predictions. To be able to make inference. To be able to make links with experiences and express personal opinions.
a better place to live English as an additional language, concerns with reading Some pupils with English as an additional language do not achieve in certain reading tasks e.g. comprehension. Teachers report that some pupils do not have the same opportunities for reading at home. Pupils do not recognise their home language as valuable in reading.
a better place to live Issues arising for some parents Parents’ experiences of learning to read is different to their children’s, e.g. different education system. Parents are unfamiliar with how reading is taught in school. Parents lack confidence to approach school staff about concerns they have with supporting their children with reading. Parents feel they must only use English when reading with their children and not draw on their home language. Some parents are not confident or able to read in English. This can be an additional barrier in supporting their children with reading at home.
a better place to live What are the aims of the project? To raise the value placed on use of home languages and ensure pupils are using all their linguistic skills. To assure parents that their support of their children in home language will benefit their children’s acquisition of English. To bridge cultural and historical differences between how parents were taught to read and how we teach their children now. To raise the attainment of ethnic minority pupils in reading. To provide schools with a strategy in engaging ethnic minority parents with their children’s reading.
a better place to live Importance of home languages in school Bilingualism is an asset and should not be seen as a hindrance. Parental involvement in children’s education supports their learning. Research highlights where home languages are developed. This improves thinking skills and the ability to acquire a new language. For many bilingual children once they start school their home language is gradually replaced by English. If the home language is not supported they can end up with neither language being well developed.
a better place to live What do the resources include? Dual text books in a variety of home languages. Translated reading guidance leaflets for parents. Phonics charts with phonetic sound transliterations. High frequency words with transliterations. Story talk prompts to develop speaking, listening and comprehension.
a better place to live
Reading leaflet - English
a better place to live Reading leaflet - Bengali
a better place to live Phonics chart - English
a better place to live Phonics chart - Bengali
a better place to live High frequency words - English
a better place to live High frequency words - Bengali
a better place to live Story prompts- English
a better place to live Story prompts- Romanian
a better place to live Questions Do you have any questions? Do you think this project/resources will help you with supporting your child’s reading?