1 Progress Report from NFC Working Group General Meeting London 09 October 2014 Andrea Soehnchen
2 NFC Working Group Active members: STIF, Paris, France TfL, London, United Kingdom ATM, Barcelona, Spain Ruter, Oslo, Norway SL, Stockholm, Sweden ZTM, Warsaw, Poland HSL, Helsinki, Finland European level Membershi p Surveys Working groups What is NFC? Choices Conclusions
3 Business case NFC allows: Improved passenger flows– to optimise the use of capacities New sales channels – to increase passengers awareness of new products and services Tailor-made travel information – to inform passengers about problems and alternative services during their journey Loyalty programmes- to promote the use of public transport Partnerships and integrated tickting - to acquire new customers New revenues- as easy access to information could increase income from advertising European level Membershi p Surveys Working groups What is NFC? Choices Conclusions
4 Ticketing architecture Two approaches towards smart ticketing: Back-office architecture, where the ticket only holds information needed for identification of the passenger account Front-end or card-centred solution, where all information about the passenger, fare products, discounts, etc. is stored on the chip Substantial impact: Ticket platform System extension Card management and administration Ticket validation and inspection Battery down Complaint management European level Membershi p Surveys Working groups What is NFC? Choices Conclusions
5 Ticketing models Own application Payment and validation are separate processes Target group are registered travellers High degree of control any product can be modelled Only travel-related loyalty schemes Bankcard payment Payment and validation is one process Partnership and negotiation Fare products need to be account based Flexible loyalty schemes European level Membershi p Surveys Working groups What is NFC? Choices Conclusions
6 Points to consider Are you ready for external players? Is your society ready for NFC? Do you really need to be different? How does ticket validation work in your system? Who would be your target group for NFC ticketing? Does NFC fit your general strategy? Can NFC support customer service and communication? European level Membershi p Surveys Working groups What is NFC? Choices Conclusions
7 NFC – an interesting technology? Sure! Ready for the mass market? Maybe not yet… European level Membershi p Surveys Working groups What is NFC? Choices Conclusions
8 NFC working group report is available, your feedback will be appreciated! Thank you for your attention!