1 Example Bank Customer Survey Results Net Promoter Score
2 Loyalty Q: What is a bank’s most significant source of profitable business? A: Repeat purchases and referrals (Customer Loyalty)
3 Measuring Loyalty Q: How do you measure loyalty? A: Ask the “Ultimate Question”
4 The Ultimate Question How likely is it that you would recommend Example Bank to a friend or colleague?
7 Net Promoter ® Concept How likely is it that you would recommend Example Bank to a friend or colleague? Promoter PassiveDetractor Extremely unlikely Neutral Extremely likely Net Promoter ® Score = %(minus) % Promoter Detractor
8 Example Bank Customer Survey Results
9 Example Bank Customer Survey - Net Promoter ® Answer: 31.0 Question: What is Example Bank’s Net Promoter ® Score?
10 Example Bank Customer Survey -Net Promoter ® Answer: The average in the US is below 10%. But world class companies are in the 70% and above range. But the absolute number is less important than the trend and the NPS by segment! Question: Is 31.0% a good Net Promoter ® Score?
11 NPS – Example Bank 54% Promoters minus 23% Detractors = 31% NPS
12 NPS – By Type of Customer Personal Banking 43% Promoters minus 29% Detractors = 14% NPS Business Banking 53% Promoters minus 18% Detractors = 35% NPS Wealth Management 72% Promoters minus 11% Detractors = 61% NPS Summary
13 Example Bank Personal Banking Categories - Summary Question: If you have used Example Bank for any of the following services, please evaluate your overall satisfaction that service. Index calculated using the NPS algorithm
14 NPS – Example Bank Service Categories Personal Checking 61% Promoters minus 15% Detractors = 46% Index Question: If you have used Example Bank for any of the following services, please evaluate your overall satisfaction with that service. Index calculated using the NPS algorithm Personal Savings 58% Promoters minus 16% Detractors = 42% Index
15 Example Bank Service Categories Residential Lending 52% Promoters minus 22% Detractors = 30% Index Question: If you have used Example Bank for any of the following services, please evaluate your overall satisfaction with that service. Index calculated using the NPS algorithm Consumer Lending 70% Promoters minus 9% Detractors = 61% Index
16 NPS – Example Bank Service Categories (Cont’d) Online Banking 70% Promoters minus 15% Detractors = 55% Index Question: If you have used Example Bank for any of the following services, please evaluate your overall satisfaction with that service. Index calculated using the NPS algorithm
17 Example Bank Business Banking Categories - Summary Question: If you have used Example Bank for any of the following services, please evaluate your overall satisfaction with that service. Index calculated using the NPS algorithm
18 Example Bank Wealth Management Categories - Summary Question: If you have used Example Bank for any of the following services, please evaluate your overall satisfaction with that service. Index calculated using the NPS algorithm
19 NPS – By Office Example Bank
20 NPS – Example Bank by Office Office A 53% Promoters minus 26% Detractors = 27% NPS Office B 64% Promoters minus 0% Detractors = 64% NPS Office C 52% Promoters minus 26% Detractors = 26% NPS Office D 40% Promoters minus 30% Detractors = 10% NPS
21 NPS – Strategic View by Number of Services Utilized Three or More 80% Promoters minus 7% Detractors = 73% NPS Two 42% Promoters minus 21% Detractors = 21% NPS One 49% Promoters minus 30% Detractors = 19% NPS Summary
22 Buying Factor Statements Assessment Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements Example Bank has outstanding professional and technical personnel. I have an excellent relationship with my Example Bank Banker Example Bank provides excellent quality products and services that meet my needs. Example Bank provides timely and responsive service. Example Bank communicates honestly and openly with me. Example Bank’ fees are appropriate. Example Bank people behave with fairness, integrity, and professionalism.
23 Importance/Assessment Questions Importance: As you think about the future, please evaluate the importance of the following will be in terms of selecting a bank. Outstanding professional and technical personnel. Excellent relationship with my personal Banker Quality products and services that meet my needs. Timely and responsive service. Honestly and open communications. Appropriate fees. People who behave with fairness, integrity, and professionalism.
24 Importance/Assessment Summary As you think about the future, how important do you think the following issues will be over the next five years? If you have used Example Bank for any of the following services, please evaluate your overall satisfaction with the quality of work and service. ImportanceAssessment
25 Issue Analysis
26 Competitive Analysis IndexMean Example Bank 39.7%8.1 Competitors A, B & C (aggregate) 39.2% 8.2 Please evaluate Example Bank and your other banks (if any) in terms of their overall performance in serving you. Have you used any banks other than Example Bank? Percent Yes69.0% No31.0%
27 Customer Survey - Key Findings Customer satisfaction is good but the current level is below where a great bank should be Personal Banking - Satisfaction is highest for Consumer Lending and lowest for Residential Lending Business Banking - Satisfaction is highest for Business Checking and lowest for Commercial Lending Wealth Management - Satisfaction is highest for Trust Services and lowest for Advisory Services Satisfaction varies among offices, with Office A the highest and Office D the lowest Customers have multiple relationships with Example Bank are more satisfied than those with only one relationship Based upon importance/assessment analysis, Example Bank needs substantial work on developing customer relationships and customer communications. It is doing well in the important areas of customer service and behavior of Example Bank people There is a lot of competition, but it is fragmented. Competitors rate about equal to Example Bank
28 Customer Centered Strategies
29 For Information For additional information about Net Promoter ® Score and its application for banks, please contact: Gerald Wexelbaum Strategy Support Associates (561) Net Promoter ® is a registered trademark of Satmetrix Systems, Fred Reichheld, and Bain & Company