T ARGET C ORPORATIO N By: Christopher Hosson Bethsaida Perez
M ISSION S TATEMENT Our mission is to make Target the preferred shopping destination for our guests by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and an exceptional guest experience by consistently fulfilling our Expect More. Pay Less. ® brand promise. To support our mission, we are guided by our commitments to great value, the community, diversity and the environment.
Human Resource Policies Customer Service Help the community and environment Training of employees Diversity Performance Management
H UMAN R ESOURCE - C USTOMER S ERVICE Customer Good customer service Customer Loyalty
C OMMUNITY H ELP & E NVIRONMENTAL S USTAINABILITY Target donates 5% of its’ profits to the local community
T RAINING E MPLOYEES When hiring Managers- individuals that have college degrees Lower positions- high school When hired- 90 full days of training Why training? Prepares the employee in technical knowledge and skills that are needed.
D IVERSITY Hires different ages, religion, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, language, physical ability, family education and life experiences.
P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT FeedbackMotivation Good performance
C RITICISM - C USTOMER S ERVICE Customer Service lets consumer know how important he/she is for the company Builds loyalty Customer evaluates Target’s customer service and lets the company know how well they are doing their job
C RITICISM - C USTOMER S ERVICE Builds better relationships with customers Attracts new customers Target increases business with existing customers Gains loyalty from current customers
C RITICISM - H ELPING THE LOCAL COMMUNITY Target Supports Local Community Better education and better after school programs for children Better future
C RITICISM - T RAINING EMPLOYEES Why does Target’s training take so long? 1) Organizational Socialization
C RITICISM - D IVERSITY What areas of this company has diversity been an asset? 1) In customer service 2) Employee development
C RITICISM - P ERFORMANCE M ANAGEMENT 1)Breaks down its individual job to point and provides the employee with the type of expectations that are required to have when working at target. 2)By having evaluation of employees, Target is allowed to see what parts need improvement in its employees.
O UR S UGGESTIONS FOR T ARGET 1.Change the Diversity Policy 2.Community Policy 3.Training Policy