Assisted Information Session 2
Helping clients with Information There are three main sources of information for clients: leaflets Adviceguide Other trusted websites
Leaflets You can give clients leaflets produced by other organisations eg Shelter, or local agencies. Our leaflets are kept in the Information Room.
Adviceguide Adviceguide is the Citizens Advice online public information service. Aimed at the general public, it provides round-the-clock access to information on rights in areas such as benefits, housing and employment, debt and consumer. Adviceguide does not aim to provide detailed comprehensive information. It aims to help people to have a better understanding of their rights and entitlements, and to take the first steps in resolving problems for themselves.
Adviceguide Where appropriate, users are directed to additional sources of expert advice, and to details of their nearest bureau. Adviceguide is the main information source for Information Officers and Gateway Assessors.
Adviceguide The main features are: There is information specific to each of the four UK countries. Information for Wales is available in English and Welsh. The core content is divided into sections by area of law eg. Debt & Money, Benefits, Housing etc. It has frequently asked questions (FAQs) and fact sheets on common problems.
Adviceguide The main features are: Content is updated continuously. It has translated information – for example, in Welsh, Chinese and some Eastern European languages. Users can find their local CAB from any page.
Adviceguide There are three different types of content on adviceguide: FAQs which are ‘bite-size’ chunks of information, written concisely and to provide answers to common questions. Fact sheets, providing the essential information that people are likely to need. These can be used as handouts for clients ‘Core’ content in web page format.
Trusted Websites Consumer Direct ACAS Shelterline National Debtline Energy Saving Trust Directgov Age UK
How do I know the website is trusted?
Signposting Sometimes clients will need details of another organisation that can help them. For example: Client already knows that they need a solicitor, but doesn't know how to find one. Client knows they need to talk to the local council, but are unsure which department to contact. Some client's situations make it difficult to wait to see a gateway assessor or adviser so they want an alternative source of advice. The bureau doesn’t deal with this type of enquiry.
Effective Signposting Contact details Directions on how to get there. Opening times. Warning about any possible costs (e.g. solicitors). Access details eg is it upstairs. Availability of other languages/ interpreters.
Remember You are providing INFORMATION not ADVICE You are providing INFORMATION not ADVICE Do not give personal opinions Do not give personal opinions Empathise with the client but do not relate personal examples of your experiences Empathise with the client but do not relate personal examples of your experiences We must remain impartial and independent – do not recommend companies We must remain impartial and independent – do not recommend companies TOH is not an acceptable source of information TOH is not an acceptable source of information
Information or Advice? It says in this leaflet that you can carry on claiming Child Benefit if your child stays in further education. It says in this leaflet that you can carry on claiming Child Benefit if your child stays in further education. Looking at the evidence you have provided and what the law says, it appears you have been a victim of age discrimination. Looking at the evidence you have provided and what the law says, it appears you have been a victim of age discrimination.
Option to return Always remind clients they have the option to return for advice or further support Always remind clients they have the option to return for advice or further support