Berlin Gen. Assy June /13 IAQG Communication M. Allen, UTC A. Gros, AECMA
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13 Communication is a strategic issue for IAQG business :Communication is a strategic issue for IAQG business : (Identify our “target” (within our companies, through our supply chain, up to the customer, within the Aerospace and Quality communities, with other interested parties (Aviation Authorities),... (Use of all Communication supports / means ( use the best vehicle for information *Dedicated IAQG Communication Team Possibilities of improvement Possibilities of improvement Matching the need of Aerospace company
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13 Interactive Communication forums with the Aerospace community world wideInteractive Communication forums with the Aerospace community world wide (IAQG General Assembly (Conferences, CQCA,... Day to day easy access Communication tools :Day to day easy access Communication tools : (Environmental friendliness Web ( Partnership & co-operation network (Communication papers (Point of contact Matching the need of Aerospace company
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13 IAQG Website AECMA webSAE web SJAC web Easy Access - Single source
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13 6. ABOUT US (Pull down menu header) 6.1. General Information Mission Charter Leaflets Newsletters Sectors link to AECMA link to SJAC link to SAE/AAQG 6.2. Contact information Website Architecture/Content
Berlin Gen. Assy June / Related Sites FAA, ASQ ASQ Aviation Space and Defense JAA, AIA AECMA-EASE, RAB SCC, UKAS, Others as appropriate 6.4. Operations (internal IAQG members) 6.5. Organization chart 6.6. Harmonization process 6.7. Speaker list Website Architecture/Content
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13 IAQG leaflets, for IAQG general presentationIAQG leaflets, for IAQG general presentation IAQG news letter: short information intended to be released after each IAQG meetings, distributed through IAQG channelsIAQG news letter: short information intended to be released after each IAQG meetings, distributed through IAQG channels IAQG Communication papers
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13 One focal point per sector :One focal point per sector : (US : (Europe : (Asia Communication team membersCommunication team members (US : G. Barker, D. Buehler, G. Brothers (Europe : S. Shepherd, A. Gros (Asia : N. Kobayashi, N. Katagiri IAQG Web master :IAQG Web master : (Mark Allen : Point of contact
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13 We need your feed backWe need your feed back (technical issues ( IAQG achievements / deliverables ( Potential new IAQG activities (Use of other communication network / channel proposal (General information content ( Elements of a key communication ( Measurement of a good communication Possibilities for improvement
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13 Our expectations :Our expectations : (to communicate often / as necessary (to be accountable (to co-operate on initiatives that make our business easier, faster AND safer. Possibilities for improvement
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13 IAQG General Assembly planningIAQG General Assembly planning – Kyoto (Japan), 14 March 2002 –Dallas (US), 25 September 2002 (to be confirmed) –Edinburgh (Scotland), Spring 2003 (to be confirmed) The IAQG next events
Berlin Gen. Assy June /13