Concept Mapping 12-1 Peer pressure Desire to look and feel older Exposure Growth problems Learning problems Sleep problems Health problems
Concept Mapping 12-1 Using alcohol is against the law for teens Sports Volunteering in the community Advocacy
Concept Mapping 12-2 Mood changes Lowered inhibitions Difficulty concentrating Slow reflexes and reaction time Poor coordination
Concept Mapping 12-2 Slurred speech and stumbling while walking Double vision
Concept Mapping 12-2 Vomiting Difficulty breathing Drop in blood pressure
Reteaching 12-2 Mouth and Esophagus: Alcohol enters the body through mouth. It travels down the esophagus to stomach. Heart and Blood Vessels: The heart pumps alcohol throughout the body. Brain and Nervous System: In the brain, alcohol affects memory, speech, judgment, vision, and hearing.
Reteaching 12-2 Stomach and Pancreas: Some people become sick to their stomach. Many vomit. Most of the alcohol passes into the small intestine. Some is absorbed into the bloodstream. From there it passes into the liver.
Reteaching 12-2 Liver: In the liver, alcohol is broken down. It is changed into water and carbon dioxide gas. 90% leaves the body. Much of the remainder is eliminated as liquid waste or escapes though the pores or breath.
Reteaching Drinking can lead to a number of serious health problems. 2. The more a person drinks, the more problems he or she is likely to have. 3. Alcohol is habit forming. 4. Drinking alcohol can have long-term effects on memory and learning. 5. People who drink large amounts of alcohol are 6 times more likely to develop mouth or throat cancer.
Reteaching Alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach. 7. Alcohol damages the liver. 8. Alcohol can damage the brain and have a negative effect on the central nervous system. 9. Alcohol damages the heart muscle, leaving a person who drinks at risk for heart failure or stroke. 10. Alcohol-related accidents are responsible for 41% of all traffic deaths.
Enrichment Bob could be suffering from ulcerations in his stomach and heartburn. 2. Yes, Luis’ problems are most likely related to his regular drinking. 3. Research has shown that teen alcohol use can produce long-term memory and learning problems. 4. Miranda’s mother has a fatty liver and the beginnings of cirrhosis. 5. Alcohol can enlarge the heart and produce high blood pressure.