Psychological Explanations and Treatments for OCD BATs Outline (D/E) and evaluate (C+)the Psychological Approach to OCD Outline Psychological therapies for OCD (D) Evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of Psychological therapies for OCD (B+)
Psychological Explanations for OCD Typically emphasise the way a sufferer has learned to avoid certain situations and learned to carry out compulsions that perpetuate the condition Psychodynamic Behavioural Cognitive
Psychological Therapies Psychoanalysis Behavioural Therapy - ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) Cognitive Therapy amygdala
we will photocopy your leaflet to be shared with the others Over to you ... we will photocopy your leaflet to be shared with the others Choose either Psychodynamic, Behavioural or Cognitive explanations and the corresponding treatment. Create an information leaflet for an OCD sufferer outlining the explanation for the anxiety disorder and describing and evaluating the treatment (appropriateness and effectiveness)
Essay Use p209 ‘Can you?’ or p213 ‘Can you?’ to help you construct the essay in question 4 Perhaps you could collaborate on this and create a really great essay together!! Try the other one at home!!
How confident are you on each of these points? Plenary How confident are you on each of these points? Make sure you can ... Describe the different Psychological explanations for OCD Evaluate them - commentary, synoptic points Outline Psychological Therapies Evaluate their appropriateness and effectiveness
Be Creative Create a group poster to illustrate all the aspects of OCD you have studied - we could add the leaflets you made last week.