Welcome Norms Name a Math Manipulative Agenda & Handouts
We are going to explore numerous strategies and activities that support all students in understanding basic addition and subtraction math facts and committing those facts to memory Mastering Basic Addition & Subtraction Facts
What are basic facts ? What constitutes mastery ? Why do we need to KNOW basic facts? Why is it important to UNDERSTAND basic facts? sat chair red girl a in little the How can we help our students master basic facts ? Mastering Basic Addition & Subtraction Facts
BIG idea: connects the new fact set to previous experiences and forms the foundation for development of math fact strategies Developing Understanding: develops conceptual understanding. Linked to literature. Building Automaticity: GAMES! Targeted practice! Connecting to Subtraction: quickest way to solve subtraction is with a related addition fact How the Lessons are Organized
Mastering Basic Addition & Subtraction Facts Foundation Facts Plus 1 / Plus 2 Adding 0 Adding 10 Doubles Making 10 Building on the Foundation Using Tens Using Doubles
Plus 1 / Plus 2 Students build on their understanding of counting by exploring 1 or 2 more & 1 or 2 less. BIG IDEAS: The sum when 1 is added is the next counting number. Our number system is a system of patterns. Addition is a joining or combining process Subtraction is a separation or comparison process. The order of the addends does not change the sum. Addition & subtraction are inverse processes.
Mice in a Jar In bag _____, there were ______ mice. I added 1 mouse, so there were _________. I added 2 mice, and there were __________. Draw a picture and write a number sentence to show how many mice there were when you added 1 mouse to the bag. Draw a picture and write a number sentence to show how many mice there were when you added 2 mice to the bag.
Number of Mice in a Bag Plus 1 MousePlus 2 Mice = = = = = = = = = = Mice in a Bag
Adding 0 Using their knowledge of the concept of addition, students explore what happens when they add or subtract nothing from a quantity. BIG IDEAS: The zero property of addition tells us that 0 added to any number results in a sum that is the original number. The order of the addends does not change the sum. Addition is a joining or part- part-whole process. Subtraction is a separate or compare process.
Gray Rabbit made animal friends from clay. How Many Animals? AnimalsHow Many?What if he added 0 more? worm = 1 toucans = 2 bears = 3 dogs = 4 frogs = 5
Adding 10 Adding 10 to a single-digit number results in a 2-digit sum. Students explore adding 10 in order to build understanding & automaticity that will be needed later when exploring using the using-10 strategy. BIG IDEAS: Numbers can represent separate objects or groups of 10 objects. Adding 10 to a single-digit number will add on more place value. The order of the addends does not change the sum.
Draw a picture of your cookie. Tell how many chips are in your cookie. Write a number sentence to tell how many chips there would be if you added 10 more to your cookie. My cookie has ____ chips. How many chips would your cookie have if you added 10? Ten More Chocolate Chips = = = = = 15
Don’t Eat the Teacher There were 20 fish in Sammy’s class. He accidentally ate 10 fish on the playground. How many fish are still in Sammy’s class? There were 17 crayons in the box. Sammy ate 10 of them. How many crayons are left in the box? Sammy ate 10 pieces of chalk. There were 12 pieces of chalk. How many pieces of chalk are left? There were 14 pencil cases. Sammy ate 10. How many are left? Connect to Subtraction
Doubles Students explore the concept of doubling & what it means to add 2 groups of equal size. BIG IDEAS: Doubling is the process of joining 2 groups of the same quantity. Halving is the opposite of doubling. Addition & subtraction are inverse operations.
Letters in Our Soup Connecting to Subtraction Letters in our BowlHow many would be left if we took half away? Number Sentence – 7 = – 5 = – 8 = 8
Making 10 Because 10 is foundational in our number system, students explore the different ways in which 2 addends result in a sum of 10. This knowledge becomes critical as they later explore using 10 to find unknown facts. BIG IDEAS: Our number system is a system of 10. The order of the addend does not change the sum. Addition & subtraction are inverse operations.
There are 10 apples. Write a number sentence to show how many could be red and yellow. You can draw a picture or use tools to help you. List some numbers that can be added together to make 10. Apples Up On Top Red ApplesYellow ApplesNumber Sentence = = = 10
Apples Up On Top Dropping Apples There were 10 apples on the tiger’s head. What if some dropped? Write a number sentence to show how many are left. You can draw a picture to help you. Connecting to Subtraction Apples on his head DroppedHow many are left? – 3 = – 2 = – 5 = – 4 = 6
Using 10 Now students know combinations of addends that have a sum of 10, they use their understanding of the flexibility of numbers to find ways to break apart addends to create simpler facts by using 10s (9+7 = 10+6) BIG IDEAS : Working with tens simplifies computations. Numbers are flexible. They can be broken apart to more easily perform calculations.
Using Doubles Students’ knowledge of doubles facts is now put to use to find unknown facts that are near-doubles (4+5 = 4+4+1) BIG IDEAS: Doubling is the process of joining two groups of the same quantity. Halving is the opposite of doubling. There are many strategies to simplify math facts.
Mastering the Basic Math Facts in Addition and Subtraction Susan O’Connell & John SanGiovanni Amazon $26
What B ELIEF has changed? What do you Y EARN to do differently? What E ND RESULT do you anticipate as a result of your learning? StipendsEvaluationsLUNCH! Next session 1:30 Easily access handouts from this session.