Pre and post maternity services in the Province of Piacenza – Implementaion Portal Immigrati PC by Anna Pirillo Province of Piacenza Department of social policies and health Healthy & Wealthy Together Local Coordinator
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 CONTEXT The Province of Piacenza has implemented the project “Work and social integration of migrants in the province of Piacenza” whose main aim is to make migrants aware of the services offered by the public institutions and to give them tools to access to labour market. The project was funded by National Fund “Fondo Lire UNRRA” (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration)
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Project “Social and work integration of migrants in the Province of Piacenza” Activities carried out: easy access portal for migrants in order to make them able to know what services territory offer and how to deal with administrative procedures; e-learning courses in order to give migrants tools make them able to integrate in social and labour framework; specific section in the portal to promote training of foreign women in care professions giving them tools to access to the training courses; creation of a on-line system which allows exchange of information among stakeholders as police station, prefecture, union trades, Province in order to simplify the procedures concerning migrants.
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Portal ImmigratiPC A portal for new citizens Contents included in the portal taking account of the users: “migrants” in terms of communication, contents, management and accessibility. Communication: clear language. Contents: reliability and comprehensiveness of the information. Management: constant revision of the contents. Accessibility: quick and easy
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Portal ImmigratiPC - A portal for new citizens The portal has been developed with the active participation of local stakeholders dealing with migrants issues as: Training Centres, Schools, Local Authorities, Volunteering associations, Religious associations, Union trades, Chamber of Commerce, Employers' associations, Reception Camp.
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Portal ImmigratiPC Home Page 1.Home pace: It contains a welcome message and gives the user the option to choice the language in which reading information according to their nationality. (ITALIAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH, RUMANIAN, ALBANIAN, ARABIC, MACEDONIAN)
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Portal ImmigratiPC Structure Right-side: - Description of the project - Life events - Guides - Training courses - Laws - Initiatives - News - Research in the website - Partners Database - Associations database
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Portal ImmigratiPC Structure Left-side: - Reserved Area Public Institution - Facilities Links FAQ Wiki Bank services Press Review
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Context Italian Health System Italian Health System guarantees health assistance to all (Italian and foreign citizens included) ensuring the universality and equity of access to health services, according to the art. 32 of the Constitution and Law No. 833/1978. For this reason, Local Healthcare Authority does not organize pre and post maternity services exclusively dedicated to foreign women, but gives them the same access to the health care facilities and specialist services such as Italian women. However, according to the regional Law 5/2004, concerning the integration of migrants, in order to make easy and usable the access to services for all users, special attention has been given to the creation of way of access more flexible.
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Health Section As result of Project “HEALTHY AND WEALTHY TOGETHER a collaboration between Province of Piacenza and local Healthcare Authority has been set up in order to enhance the services addressed to migrants in the health field in particular about pre and post maternity services. Dissemination of these services is expanded through the use of the portal – Creation and implementation of Health Section
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 ImmigratiPC Health Section This section contains all the information concerning regulations and procedures for accessing to the health care structures.
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Services for women (Project Healthy and Wealthy Together) Health Section will be implemented with a subsection
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 It will contain: Information addressed to women in order to make foreign women easy the access to the healthcare structures. A focus will be given to pre and post maternity services. Subsection - Specific services for women
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Sub section: Pre and post maternity services An information and supporting space has been set up addressed to pregnant women with particular attention to the needs and peculiarities of the immigrant population in Piacenza. This space will have the specific objective of providing them all the information in order to direct them towards the pre and postnatal services existing on the territory. Multilingual leaflets and flyers indicating services (focus on why and when use them) are been carried out.
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Sub section: Pre and post maternity services - Contents Family Planning Clinics They promote sexual, reproductive and relational health of the individual, couple and family. Moreover, they ensure equity in the access to services for migrants in particular for those regarding reproductive choices and birth path. A reception service has been set up provided by midwives in order to facilitate access for foreign women too, using cultural mediators, if necessary.
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Sub section: Pre maternity services PREGNANCY ASSISTANCE: provided by specialized doctors and midwives PRENATAL COURSES : A research carried out by midwives has highlighted that foreign women don't want a specific course for them but they prefer taking part in the Italian ones in order to integrate themselves into local system. The service is provided by midwives. It foresees 8 meetings and takes in account specific needs of the users (For migrants for example a more flexible timetable). A mediator takes part in them in order to face linguistic and cultural gaps. The same structure is taken in account for postnatal courses.
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Breastfeeding support service provided in order to: 1. Facilitate relationship between mother and child. 2. Provide emotional support. 3. Promote breastfeeding and provide postnatal assistance to the mother and child during the first 3 months after the birth. From the 4 th month the services is provided by the social service of the municipality. Information about these service are given through flyers and leaflets at the time of hospital discharge Paediatric Planning Clinic The clinic provides specialized paediatric care to children without assistance. It also guarantees compulsory and recommended vaccinations (according regional laws). Sub section: Post maternity services
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Sub section: Pre and post maternity services For women without a regular residence permit in the periods of pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period these services are provided: Examination for contagious diseases Screening tests and treatments for sexually transmitted diseases General medical examination for those without healthcare services card Direction to the healthcare services Cultural mediation service Administrative assistance in order to obtain STP code, a document necessary for enjoying of the above services
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Reserved Area This area will contain exchange of information between operators, good practice and information concerning training courses. Good practice Project “ HOME VISITING – Supporting action for disadvantaged parenthood” The service, provided by social services, is addressed to Families with children 0 to 2 years that show critical issues related to parenthood. It is provided since the last months of pregnancy until the first / second year of life. There is s no distinction between Italian and foreigners, if not for the cooperation and participation of family and cultural mediators. For these users, Trained operators (including mediators) provide family support at home. The aim is to provide (in particular to the mother) tools and mental strategies to recognize and activate their own resources, making them increasingly independent.
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Reserved area TRAINING COURSES FOR OPERATORS Some of them, involving operators working in services dealing with pre and post maternity services, has been carried out foreseeing a constant updating. The main aim is fostering a mutual understanding between the operators involved, exchanging of information and good practices in order to improve reception and health care procedures of women in the prenatal and postnatal period.
Provincia di Piacenza Servizio Politiche sociali e socio-sanitarie Inti Project Healthy & Wealthy Together: 2nd workshop Birmingham 9th -12th November 2010 Thank you for your attention Anna Pirillo Province of Piacenza Department of social policies and health