Marketing Using the Story Effectively to Market the Study Abroad Experience
What is Marketing O A way of thinking, a frame of mind O A business philosophy O Thinking from the customer’s point of view O To serve the needs and wants of the customer O To meet or exceed their expectations Putting your customers first
The marketing concept O This term is used to describe both the philosophy of marketing orientation and the practical aspects of marketing O It refers to the approach you take in running your business – and yes, Study Abroad is a business
Elements of marketing O Staff training O Maintenance and upkeep O Systems and policies It can also be small things like keeping in touch with students who are abroad
Benefits of Marketing O Profitability is the key outcome O What is profitability? O A Win Win situation for you, students both incoming and outgoing, and your University (perhaps we should also include parents) Revenue is what we usually think of in terms of profitability, but time, frustration and professionalism can also be part of the term
Other benefits O A better understanding of your customers O More effective use of your marketing budget O A greater ability to choose the most effective advertising, distribution methods & channels O More effective use of your human resources O Increased awareness of market trends & opportunities, & an increased ability to capitalize on them
Unusual characteristics O Intangible experience – ‘Buy’ without seeing O The experience cannot be stored O The demand can frequently change O The components are not provided by us – we work with intermediaries and partners
Unusual Characteristics (Cont’d) O We work with students who make decisions based on a complex mix of motivations O Customers have little or no loyalty to the product O Studying abroad can be vulnerable to unpredictable and uncontrollable outside events
Marketing Mix ProductPricePlacePromotion
The 4 P’s O Product – the mixture of benefits that they think that they will receive O Price – what is perceived as value for money O Place – where they buy the experience – your office! O Promotion – the range of activities by which you make students aware of your product
Product Partnership Programming Price People Place Promotion Positioning Packaging
The other 5 O Partnership – working together to present a complementary service or product O People – the people who work in your office, or your study abroad partner’s office O Packaging – making it easy to buy and sell as it is a one price offer O Positioning – your niche O Programming – your special events and information sessions organized to promote study abroad
Developing a Marketing Plan O 1. Where are you now? O 2. Where would you like to be? O 3. What will you do to get there? O 4. How will you make sure that it gets there? O 5. How will you know when you have arrived?
ProductPartnershipPackaging Good customer service. Communication is key! a good working relationship. Exchange package - making it simpler for the student and the parents! - single price/single purchase. You are selling the "experience". Give your partners text/images to use on their website to ensure consistency in the promotion of your institution The students orientation - First impression! Nice clean campus & accommodation. Provide a pre - departure Webinar? A goody box in their student accommodation. Location. "In-house" partnerships Pre-arrival on-line "pack“. Language.Orientation pack. Modules available. Cost - sensitive Brainstorming – Worksheet for Keele University
ProgrammingPricePositioning Day trips for Internationals Students. Important consideration, students must consider World Festival. employability & salary. USP - Unique Selling Point- What is your niche? - sell to everyone or a select group. Thanksgiving dinner. Price at "home" – S Africa/Malaysia. Mentors Receives what the student regards as value for money.Keele Distinctive Curriculum. Student Societies. What is the competition – charging? Tuition/Accommodation.Rankings Photo competition.Site visits. Student Union ranking. "Freshers’ week" Internationalisation ranking. Orientation schedule. Student Experience rankings.
PlacePromotionPeople We "sell" Study Abroad direct, as well as through our Partners. Website - clear concise & informative & up to date!Peer Advisors - Help promote. Macro -to the MicroPinterest/Facebook Academics (Subject Tutors)- important marketing asset. "Not London".Study Abroad Fair. Careers - Help students to evaluate the exp. "Not urban".Photo competition.Alumni Beautiful, safe campus.Marketing literature. WP Team - Talk about Study Abroad when they visit schools. Global Education Office.Word of mouth. Open Day/Visit days - speak to prospective students & parents. Peer Advisors.Parents. Conference & Fairs. Banners on s. Open & Visit Days. Adverts around your campus.
O Thank you for attending this workshop, our contact details: O Elissa Williams – Global Education Manager O Lisa Stoker – Global Education Officer