ENV-NCP-TOG WP Leader Meeting, March 2010 WP 6: Dissemination and communication WP Leader: ISERD Israel – Europe R&D Directorate for FP
WP Objectives 1.Making the Environment NCP project visible to researchers (academia and industry). 2. Making researchers needs visible to the Environment NCPs.
Description of work Task 6.1: Task leader - Maria Antosiewicz, Poland Screening, identifying and profiling researchers from Academia & industry Interested to participate in projects under the Environment Theme in FP7. Task 6.2: Task leader - Mari Habicht- Archimedes Foundation, Estonia Preparing a catalogue/s presenting the profiles from task 6.1, and partner searches from WP5 (PS), of researchers from academia and industry (emphasis on SMEs). Task 6.3: Task leader - Paola Materia- APRE- Italy Gathering of feed-back from partners/coordinators on an annual basis after their successful or unsuccessful involvement in Environment projects.
Task 6.4: Task leader- Lior Ben Artzi - Gershon, ISERD, Israel Gathering of success stories and experience stories of researchers (industry and academia) involved in projects in the Environment Theme. Task 6.5: Task leader- Nickolas Kakizis, NCSR, Greece Preparation and dissemination of information concerning activities of the Environment NCP project, via e-leaflets, posters, newspapers, relevant websites in order to make the Environment NCP project visible to researchers in academia and industry.
WP6: Deliverables D 6.1: Catalogue of researchers profiles and partner searchers, to be presented at relevant conferences and events. (related to Tasks 6.1 and 6.2) (months 6) D 6.2: Interim reports on feed-back and impact assessment of coordinators and SMEs/ICPC successfully involved in Environment projects, including consideration of gender distribution. (related to Task 6.3) (months 12, 24) D 6.3: Selection and preparation of the 10 most relevant success and experience stories of researchers participating in Environment projects, including consideration of gender distribution. (related to Task 6.4) (months 12, 24) D 6.4: PR materials: Brochures, Posters, Leaflets. (related to Task 6.5) (months 6)
On-line catalogue: The on-line catalogue also serves as a partner search platform. 349 researchers are registered in the catalogue (February 7, 2010) D 6.1: Catalogue of researchers Task leaders (6.1): Maria Antosiewicz (PL) Task leaders (6.2): Mari Habicht (EE) Original due date (M6) was delayed to M11
Distribution of researchers Poland 56 Turkey 2 Switzerland 55 GREECE 2 Romania 44 Czech Republic 2 Israel 31 Bulgaria 2 Moldova 23 USA 1 Estonia 19 TANZANIA 1 Spain 18 Rwanda 1 France 18 Russia 1 Belgium 12 Netherlands 1 Luxembourg 9 Kazakhstan 1 Cyprus 9 Indonesia 1 ITALY 8 Finland 1 United Kingdom 7 ETHIOPIA 1 Lithuania 6 Côte d'Ivoire 1 Argentina 5 Canada 1 Mexico 3 Belarus 1 Ukraine 2
The on-line catalogue will stay open and active during the whole duration of the project (instead of only for the first year): Entries will be updated by Maria Antosiewicz (PL) The website will be maintained by Mari Habicht (EE) Hard copy will not be produced (as we feel it is not necessary). A CD of researchers can be considered.
Gathering of feed-back from partners and coordinators after their successful or unsuccessful involvement in Environment projects. The information will provide valuable lessons and will be essential to future NCP activities involved in assisting researchers in Environment projects. D 6.2: Feed-back and impact assessment of coordinators and SMEs/ICPC partners Task leader: Paola Materia (IT) Due date M12, M24
A feedback form was prepared and sent to ENV-NCP-TOGETHER partners. Feedbacks were gathered and analyzed from both successful and unsuccessful FP7-ENV participants (including SMEs and ICPC). 35 feedback forms from 10 countries were analyzed; the analysis shows which activities of ENV-NCPs required more attention.
The feedback form was divided in 5 parts: 1.Researcher profile 2.Source of FP7 info 3.Project: data on the project proposal of the FP7 participant 4.Finding the right partners 5.Support from the local Environment NCP
Three major recommendations resulting from the analysis of the feedback forms, are focused on: Improving the partner search activities of the ENV-NCPs Improving the assistance provided by the ENV-NCPs to the researchers during the proposal writing phase Improving the provision of information & assistance during the evaluation and negotiation phase
D 6.3: Selection and preparation of the 10 most relevant success and experience stories Task leader: Lior Ben Artzi – Gershon (IL) Due date M12, M24 A uniform questioner was sent to the ENV NCP TOG partners, in order to collect relevant FP7 success stories Both partners and Coordinators are represented in the first batch of stories, from 7 countries (IT, CH, PL, NL, IL, HR, HU) On-line stories
D 6.4: PR materials Task leader: Nickolas Kakizis (GR) Due date M6 Preparation and dissemination of information concerning activities of the Environment NCP project Make the Environment NCP project visible to researchers in academia and industry
First Leaflet
First Poster
2010 On-line catalogue and partner search platform will stay open and active. If necessary, a CD will be produced. A second and final feed-back and impact assessment report of coordinators and SMEs/ICPC partners will be produced. A second and final batch of success stories will be produced and published in the website. A CD or a hard copy can be considered for the two batches. PR materials will be produces on demand and with regards to project’s achievments.
Thank you!