Energising the Community Energy guidance for homes
Learning Objectives To be able to communicate ideas effectively. To know a range of measures that can be used to reduce energy consumption. To be able to explain, in simple terms, why it is important to use energy wisely.
You are an energy advisor! You want to give energy advice to your families, friends and homes in your locality. What are the best and simplest options that you could offer them, to help reduce their energy use? How will you find out what they need to do?
You are going to do an energy survey on your home Look at the Energy Survey sheet and work with a partner to decide if the questions are good ones. Now, think about how you will ask an adult in your house to fill it in….. How persuasive and polite can you be? Practise asking with your partner.
Using the results of your survey Pick out four or five areas where you feel the energy efficiency at your home could be improved. Now write the advice needed to inform and change people’s behaviour and design your personalised leaflet.
Designing your leaflet: the challenge How can you make your leaflet: –Eye catching? –Easy to understand? –Accurate? –Make people want to change their habits?
Reviewing work Look at the finished leaflets and think about their intended purpose. What works well and why? What could be even better and why? Now, what would you change on yours and why?
One leaflet fits all? You have each designed a leaflet to help support energy solutions in your own home. Is there a way you could work together, to agree on five things that would be good practice for everyone in your local community? Have a discussion with your class and teacher…
Congratulations To _____________________________________ Energy Consultant from ______________________________________ Energy tipsPamphlet designDiscussion and review Dated______________