Financial Aid & Scholarships New Student Orientation A copy of this presentation is located in the parent information packet
How to contact us: Phone: Fax: OR…. Visit today with a financial aid counselor at the Student Union information booths from 2:30 to 4:30 PM.
MyUNLV Web Portal Your online information link to Financial Aid, Cashiering, Registration, holds, etc.
Elvis the King
Elvis the King 2011 Spring 2010 Fall
Elvis the King 2010 Fall 08/13/2010
How will your financial aid apply to your bill? If you have completed the necessary steps as described in your “To Do” lists, your financial aid will show up as “Anticipated Aid” to be credited towards your Cashiering billing statement. Ten days prior to the beginning of the semester, your “Anticipated Aid” will turn into “Actual Aid” and reduce your Cashiering billing statement.
(1) Direct Deposit ( fastest ) Can sign up via MyUNLV under “Self Service” OR (2) Paper Check How to receive a financial aid refund? * Example: Tuition & Fees = $2,800 Less Student Loan $2,500 Less Scholarship $1,000 $700 financial aid refund to student
2.0 cumulative GPA Must successfully complete 70% of your classes attempted Graduate within 186 credit hours How to maintain your overall financial aid eligibility?
If you add or drop classes, your financial aid….. Could be adjusted on or before the “Census Date”. Could be in jeopardy if you drop classes after the Census Date. Make sure you understand the financial aid satisfactory academic progress policy.
Most delays were preventable: Student did not complete the Master Promissory Note Student did not complete Entrance Loan Counseling Student or parent did not respond to outstanding paperwork requests Student did not maintain an accurate home address or e- mail address Student did not check online account information “To Do” lists in a timely manner Student submitted paperwork to UNLV without sufficient time for processing before the deadline Parent did not complete the PLUS loan worksheet
When are your tuition and fees due? August 20, 2010 is the last day to pay without incurring a late fee with the Cashiering Office Installment Payment Plan is available called “Tuition Management Systems” $45 enrollment fee allows you to break your fall semester account charges into 5 payments Go to:
Q u e s t i o n s ? “Your mother and I had no idea you felt this way. Of course you may stay and get your doctorate.”