Leaf Arrangement
1. Sugar Maple * Acer saccharum *Hardwood (furniture). *Maple syrup (also black maple). *Moderate lobes (mostly 5), moderate notches *Simple opposite leaves (all maples), green beneath. *Dark brown trunk, rough vertical grooves.
2. Dandelion * Taraxacum officinale *Jagged lobed leaves. *Hollow milky stem. *Used as antacid, natural stimulant, dandelion root is good for stomach aches.
3. American Sycamore *Plantanus occidentalis *Single fruits *Molted exfoliating bark. *98ft. To 130 ft. *Alternate leaves. *Planted as a shade tree.
4. Staghorn Sumac *Rhus typhina *Round twigs. *Alternate compound leaves. *Velvety. *Toothed leaves. *Leaf stalk is not woody. *Leaves and leaflets.
5. White Pine *Pinus strobus *Needles occur 5 to a bundle. Only pine with 5. *Soft wood. *Commercial use as a Christmas tree.
6. Goldenrod * Solidago sp. *Perennials with large clusters of small yellow flowers. *Used by practitioners of herbal medicine. *Counter inflammation and irritation of the kidneys.
7. Northern White Cedar * Thuja occidentalis *Leaves scale like. *Soft wood. *Used to be called “Arbor Vitae” or tree of life because it cured men of scurvy of Canadian expedition team led by Jacques Cartier.
8. Red Maple *Acer rubrum *Hardwood. *Toothed leaves, silvery white beneath. *3-5 lobes. *Canadian symbol. *Bark used as dye to give olive or gray color.
9. Norway Maple * Acer plantanoids * 5-lobed leaves. *Most popular ornamental street tree in U.S. in the 60’s and 70’s. *Wine colored leaves *Imported from Europe.
10. Pin-Oak * Quercus palustris *Bristle tip leaves. *Native to eastern North America. *Monoecious. *An individual that has both male and female reproductive units (flowers, conifer cones). *The bark was used by some Native American tribes to make a drink for treatment of intestinal pain. *One of the most popular ornamental trees in the United States.
11. Common Plantain * Plantago major *The Common Broad- leaved Plantain is a very familiar perennial 'weed,' and may be found anywhere by roadsides and in meadow-land. *Used in inflammation of the skin, malignant ulcers, intermittent fever. *Broad, irregularly rounded to oval leaves.
12. Scotch Pine *Pinus sylvestris *Needles in 2. *Imported from Europe for forest and Christmas tree plantings.
13. White Aster Aster vimineus Small White Aster Small white daisy-like flowers crowded closely together. Found in fields and meadows.
14. Chicory Cichorium intybus Blue, lavender, or occasionally white flowers. Appetizer, digestive and diuretic tonic.
15. Canadian Thistle Cirsium arvense Has lavender blossoms that are similar in appearance to dandelion blossoms. The seeds are an important food for Goldfinch. The species is widely considered a weed. Has the typical prickly leaves characteristic of the thistles.
16. Queen Anne’s Lace Daucus carota Common weed Bright white and rounded when in full flower. Flowering from June to August. Includes wild carrot. A teaspoon of crushed seeds has long been used as a form of birth control. Disrupts the implantation process.