A new website will be online be the end of 2012 : Legal information on 27 Member States in 23 languageswww.couples-europe.eu 2
Project powered by the CNUE/ENN JLS co-financed by EU Commission Developed by the European Notarial Network of the CNUE during Regular updating by the ENN 3
What is the ENN? The ENN was created in 2007 to help notaries to handle cross-border cases 22 Contact Points/Interlocutors ENN Online Tool Context of successions-europe.eu: Greater content offered by the ENN not only to notaries, but also to citizens 4
Focus on communication How to publicise the project? –Communication strategy Websites ( Film (also via Youtube) Leaflets USB sticks National websites Media/Press 5
Future Regulation on Successions Article 46 –Information made available to the public –European Judicial Network in Civil and Commercial matters (EJN) –Integration of the content of in the EJN …
Key Facts Initiated by the Austrian presidency of the Council of the Notariats of the European Union Project started in May 2011 Will be finalized by October
Key Facts Database containing information on patrimonial regimes in 27 countries National experts deliver reports on their countries‘ patrimonial regimes Based on a questionnaire elaborated by the Karl-Franzens-University Graz and the steering committee of CNUE Scientific supervision by Prof. Brigitta Lurger (Karl-Franzens-University Graz) 8
Background Number of couples with a multi-national dimension increases constantly Certainty about their legal position is of utmost importance Fundamental differences between property regimes preclude harmonization Harmonization efforts in the field of jurisdiction, conflict of laws and the recognition and enforcement of decisions (proposals for council regulations by the European Commission) 9
Objectives Database and regulations complement one another Facilitating access to law Providing reliable information Easily understood by citizens Source of information for legal practitioners and citizens Available in all the Member States‘ languages 10
Objectives Facilitating the work of legal practitioners Enabling international couples to make a well-founded choice of law Valuable contribution to the area of freedom, security and justice 11
Thank you very much for your attention! 12