ridgesong fire survival plan Lot 6, 22 Private Rd 1 Bucketty Revision 1.1 Revision date: September 8, 2012
Review record review datename
LOW / MODERATE / HIGH / TOBAN declared - Go to property, with guests - Defend in event of sudden onset local fire - Follow L/M/H preparation checklist IF THE CONDITIONS ARE: VERY HIGH / SEVERE - Go to property, VH: advise guests / S: no guests - Leave early in event of fire within ember zone - Follow VH/Severe preparation checklist EXTREME - Not go to property - If at property, follow “extreme checklist” then leave early CATASTROPHIC - Not go / Evacuate immediately
EMERGENCY SERVICES CALL SHEET Emergency number – 000 Our address – 22 Private Road 1, Bucketty, (go to very end of the first track on the right which is 25 metres after letterboxes on Private Road 1) Our DP Number is: Our Lot number is: LOT 6 Our contact telephone number is:
ON-GOING PREPARATION CHECKLIST Clear gutters and roof Keep grass trimmed within inner APZ Keep ground clear of debris and fuel within inner APZ Maintain reduced fuel load within APZ Appropriately store hazardous liquids Maintain access paths
Preparation checklist LOW / MODERATE / HIGH Check and maintain pump, hoses and water supply Store pump hoses in shed when not in use Check and maintain fire clothing Review and maintain fire survival plan IN EVENT OF SUDDEN ONSET FIRE: DEFEND AND PREPARE TO EVACUATE
Preparation checklist VERY HIGH / SEVERE Store pump hoses connected to supply when at property Maintain at-ready pump (< 5 minutes to deploy) Keep fire clothing available Monitor current conditions and known fire events Know whereabouts of family Advise guests of fire plan actions and current fire danger status Review and maintain fire survival plan IN EVENT OF FIRE WITHIN EMBER ATTACK ZONE: PREPARE TO EVACUATE AND LEAVE EARLY
Preparation checklist EXTREME Move LPG bottles to safe zone Ready chainsaw for use and store in evacuation vehicle Store evacuation kit in evacuation vehicle Move diesel/petrol/2 stroke supplies to safe zone Dress appropriately in fire resistant clothing Close all windows and doors Advise neighbours of evacuation Leave early IN EVENT OF IMMINENT DANGER EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY
RAPID EVACUATION CHECKLIST Ready chainsaw for use and store in evacuation vehicle Store evacuation kit in evacuation vehicle Dress appropriately in fire resistant clothing Evacuate immediately to Gosford, Cessnock, or to Laguna Oval as appropriate IN EVENT OF IMMINENT DANGER EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY
DEFEND PLAN – APPROACH OF FIRE IN EVENT OF IMMINENT DANGER: SHELTER ActionResponsibility AllDress appropriately (jeans, long sleeves, boots, hat, eye protection, mask) NaomiLocate all family members SimonPrepare & connect pump and hoses SimonBring stepladder to deck to access roof space NaomiConnect auxiliary telephone and ring 000 (see emergency services call sheet) NaomiClose all windows and doors NaomiAdvise neighbours of status & plan SimonMove LPG bottles & liquid fuels to safe zone SimonMove soft furnishings etc off deck Simon / NaomiReady evacuation vehicle (with chainsaw) Emily / FinnFill all sinks, bath, all buckets Emily / FinnStand ready to evacuate / shelter Simon / NaomiWet down decking, exterior walls & immediate surrounds AllMental checklist – ready to fight fire and survive
DEFEND PLAN – FIRE IMMINENT IN EVENT OF IMMINENT DANGER: SHELTER ActionResponsibility Emily / FinnShelter as advised NaomiUse 30m hose to wet down decks, exterior walls and immediate surrounds SimonUse 60m hose to defend within APZ working inward towards assets Simon / NaomiShelter inside immediately if necessary SimonPull back hoses to deck SimonIsolate water supply at manifold SimonDisconnect pump and bring inside AllRemain in constant communication, keep hydrated, focused and calm
DEFEND PLAN – SHELTERING FROM FIRE IN EVENT OF IMMINENT DANGER: SHELTER ActionResponsibility Emily / FinnShelter as advised Simon / NaomiContinuously monitor fire status and location Simon / NaomiUse stored water to suppress internal fires AllRemain in constant communication, and keep hydrated, focused and calm
DEFEND PLAN - AFTER THE FIRE FRONT PASSES IN EVENT OF IMMINENT DANGER: SHELTER ActionResponsibility SimonPerform initial outdoor inspection and advise SimonReconnect and ready pump Emily / FinnRefill sinks, buckets Emily / FinnRemain sheltered as advised NaomiUse 30m hose to control fires on, under deck & immediate surrounds SimonCheck roof space SimonUse 60m hose to control fires within APZ, working out from assets NaomiAdvise neighbours of status NaomiAdvise emergency services SimonCheck sheds Simon / NaomiCheck under house Simon / NaomiContinue to check for ember attack Simon / NaomiMaintain monitoring of known fire events and weather conditions AllIn case of predicted worsening of weather conditions leave early
BUSHFIRE SURVIVAL CHECKLIST FOR GUESTS Ridgesong is located in a bush area and there is a chance that bushfire may occur. We have trained and prepared to survive in the event of a fire, and this checklist will help you to also prepare and survive. It is important that you follow these instructions. In the event of a fire: 1.Remain calm and focused. 2.Please follow Simon and Naomi’s instructions. 3.Quickly get dressed in long sleeved and long legged non flammable clothing and put on sturdy shoes and a broad hat if you have them (jeans, long sleeved cotton/wool etc). Also keep sun glasses handy for eye protection. 4.Remove all flammable liquids from your person e.g. cigarette lighters. 5.In the event of imminent danger we will make a decision according to our Survival Plan whether to immediately evacuate, or shelter and defend. If we evacuate, we will head either towards Mangrove Mountain, or towards Wollombi. In case of the latter, we will be heading to Laguna Oval, which is a designated place of last resort for the community. Bring only your wallets, phones, drinking water, medical drugs and other supplies as Naomi/Simon specify. 6.We will drive in convoy, and at a safe speed. Drive with your headlights on. Be prepared for lowered visibility and animals on the road. 7.In the event of obstruction across the road: we will have a chainsaw with us and if safe to do so we will stop to clear the obstruction before continuing. 8.Once at a safe location we will follow the instructions of the emergency services personnel.