Consistent and Reliable Customer Services P2 + M2
Lesson Objectives understand how businesses provide customer service Consistent and reliable Customer Service and what it means to a business. Customer Satisfaction and exceeding expectations.
What does it all mean? Consistent Reliable 2 words to define: What do they mean? Write down what you think they mean. Consistent Reliable
Consistency is doing similar things according to set procedures. Reliability is being dependable, delivering regular responses to all customers.
Different ways that businesses can provide consistent and reliable customer service: Through staff knowledge of the scope of job role and products and/or services. Through staff attitude and behaviour, e.g. timing, accessibility/availability. Meeting specific customer needs. Working under pressure. Confirming service meets needs and expectations. Dealing with problems.
Scope of Job Role In pairs, imagine you are managers at Asda in town. Agree 5 customer service tasks that have to be in the job description of every member of staff that deals with customers – e.g. what should everyone be able to do? How could you let your staff know about these expectations?
Why should staff be available to customers? Through staff attitude and behaviour, e.g. timing, accessibility/availability. How can staff attitude and behaviour affect the Customer Service they deliver? Why should staff be available to customers? How annoyed would customers be if the business was not open when they should be?
Recap What does Reliable mean? What does Consistent mean? How can a business make sure their customer service is reliable and consistent? Why should a business provide consistent and reliable customer service?
Meeting specific customer needs. In groups of 3 pretend you are one of the following customer types: Elderly Customers Families with young children Someone in a wheelchair What specific needs might you have? How can a business meet these?
Working under pressure. What does is mean to “work under pressure”? How can this affect Customer Service? How can a business help their staff?
Confirming service meets needs and expectations. Businesses MUST talk to their customers – why?
How can they make sure their staff deal with it correctly? Dealing with problems. What kind of Customer Service problems might a business have to deal with? How can they make sure their staff deal with it correctly? How would the customers feel?
Lesson Objective: To understand how businesses provide consistent and reliable Customer Service and why it is important to them. Task 1 - P2 In a PowerPoint, describe the characteristics of consistent and reliable customer service. Title: Consistent and Reliable Customer Service What does consistent mean? What does reliable mean? How can businesses provide consistent and reliable customer service? (Use the list!) Go through each item on the list as a separate slide: What does it mean? Why is it important to Consistent and reliable customer service? Add a business example to each slide: e.g. Staff at Marks & Spencer know that it is part of their job role to take customers to what they require and not just point. Progress Board Through staff knowledge of the scope of job role and products and/or services. Through staff attitude and behaviour, e.g. timing, accessibility/availability. Meeting specific customer needs. Working under pressure. Confirming service meets needs and expectations. Dealing with problems.
How to satisfy your customers: What is meant by customer satisfaction? confidence in service value for money repeat custom word-of-mouth reputation loyalty Different ways businesses can satisfy customers: providing reliable products/services providing extra services (e.g. free delivery, follow-up services) providing accuracy, reliability and speed of service providing value for money providing information and advice dealing with problems. Your customers must feel these things to be satisfied with your business!
Going above and beyond… Once you have satisfied your customers, you need them to keep coming back! Different ways of exceeding customer expectations by: Providing value for money, information and advice quickly. Providing additional help and assistance, e.g. dealing promptly with problems, offering discounts, offering additional products or services, providing information on returns policy. Providing exceptional help and assistance for customers with special requirements.
Task 2 – M2 Pick a business you know well. Lesson Objective: To understand how businesses provide customer service + Customer Satisfaction and exceeding expectations. Task 2 – M2 Pick a business you know well. Continue your P2 PowerPoint by explaining how your chosen business attempts to exceed customer expectations. What is your business? How do they satisfy their customers? What do they do to go above and beyond? How do they go above and beyond for you? Progress Board