Lorena Hervas, MBA
PEOPLE The experience and quality of service given to customers depends on the attitudes and aptitudes of employees. The Chinese have a saying: “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop” Happy customers are more likely to stay loyal
PEOPLE CRM – Customer Relations Management involves setting standards and providing staff training to delivery good customer service Customer lifetime value – profitability that can be gained during the lifetime of a positive relationship with customer It is cheaper to keep existing customer than to find new ones
Process Refers to the methods and procedures used to give clients the best possible customer experience It can help to BUILT customer LOYALTY by fulfilling the Needs and Wants of customer Customer are constantly in search of improved convenience It would be inconvenient for customers to have to wait a long time for these items to be delivered.
Physical Evidence Refers to the IMAGE portrayed by a business (or perceived by customer) Business that offers services rather than physical products must pay careful attention to this element of marketing mix Hotel: Positioned in prime locations Welcoming reception areas Staff portray good quality standards
Packaging Refers to the ways in which a product is presented to the customer Packaging can be important if a product´s design, function or features cannot be easily differentiated from others on the market Psychologists have shown that people´s moods are affected by aspects of packaging such colour and texture
Packaging Packaging can be important for this functions: Profound impact on customer perception of product or brand Quality packaging with a quality product Packaging acts as a form of differentiation Packaging protects a product against damage during transportation of the product Provide Information