LOSFA Programs TOPS Scholarship College Access & Outreach LA GEAR UP Scholarships & Grants TOPS Scholarship Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship Go Grant LEAP Grant SAFER Tuition Reimbursement Program Chafee Grant
LOSFA Programs START Saving Program High School Opportunities TOPS Tech Early Start Program Early Start Program
What is Financial Aid?
What does college cost? Estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) Academic Year Tuition & Fees Room & Board Books & Supplies Trans-portation Personal Expense Total 2011-2012 $5,508 $11,586 $1,575 $1,049 $1,819 $21,537 2012-2013 $5,573 $12,165 $1,654 $1,156 $2,006 $22,764 2013-2014 $6,072 $12,773 $1,737 $1,214 $2,106 $23,902 2014-2015 $6,376 $13,412 $1,823 $1,275 $2,211 $25,097 $23,739 $49,936 $6,789 $4,694 $8,142 $93,300 Based on estimated expenses at Louisiana State University – Baton Rouge for a dependent student living on campus who graduates from high school in 2011 assuming a 5% annual increase and a 9 month academic year.
Basis of Aid Merit-Based aid is based on a student’s academic achievement, grades, ACT/SAT scores, talent, ability, athletic achievement, etc Need-based aid is based on the student’s financial need
FAFSA The primary purpose of the FAFSA is to establish the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) The EFC is used by the institution, in a process called packaging, to determine your eligibility for campus based aid programs including FSEOG, LEAP, Go Grant, Academic Competitiveness Grant, SMART Grant, Federal Work Study, Perkins Loans and Direct Loans
Financial Need Cost of Attendance (COA) based on Tuition and fees Room and board Books and supplies Transportation Miscellaneous personal expenses MINUS Expected Family Contribution (EFC) based on Income Assets (excluding the family home) Family size Number of family members attending college Age of parents EQUALS:
FINANCIAL NEED THE AMOUNT OF FINANCIAL AID YOU HOPE TO RECEIVE. AWARDS LETTERS will come to you from the college telling if you are eligible for grants, student loans, work/study, etc. (Will not mention TOPS) TOPS LETTER comes to you separately from our office (LOSFA) saying “Congratulations, you have received a TOPS award!”
Types of Financial Aid Scholarships Grants Employment Opportunities Gift Aid – Based on Merit - TOPS Grants Gift Aid – Based on Need – PELL Employment Opportunities May be based on need – WORK/STUDY Loans – Perkins, William D. Ford Direct Must be repaid – may be based on need
Sources of Financial Aid State of Louisiana: TOPS Federal Government: PELL, LOANS Campus Based: VARIOUS SCHOLARSHIPS Military: NATIONAL GUARD Private: MCDONALD’S, EXXON, WALMART
Louisiana State Aid Programs Scholarships & Grants TOPS Scholarship Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship Go Grant – decided by the college LEAP Grant – decided by the college SAFER Tuition Reimbursement Program Chafee Grant – for students in foster care Rewards for Success (RFS) START College Savings Program High School Opportunities TOPS Tech Early Start Program Early Start Program
Federal Student Aid Eligibility Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen Have a valid Social Security Number Be registered with Selective Service, if required Must have a high school diploma or its equivalent, or Complete a state approved home school program Pass an ability-to-benefit test Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Check with your college to determine its SAP standards
Federal Aid: decided by your college financial aid office Federal Pell Grant – Need-based, does not need to be paid back Other Federal grants (FSEOG, etc.) Federal Stafford and Perkins loans Federal Work/Study Program FAFSA ONLY APPLICATION NECESSARY
Campus-Based Federal Aid Eligibility is determined by the college’s financial aid office for the following programs: FSEOG Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) National SMART Grant TEACH Grant Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant Federal Work Study Perkins Loans William D. Ford Direct Student Loans
Money from your COLLEGE Each college has its own merit-based scholarship programs Many colleges have their own need-based aid programs Investigate aid opportunities early Each college has its own aid application process and deadline College websites list scholarship opportunities Departmental Scholarships Scholarship opportunities for students in a specific major
Military Educational Opportunities G.I. Bill Loan Repayment Program ROTC Scholarships Louisiana National Guard Tuition Exemption
Private Aid: The best source of information on private aid is the Internet. There are numerous free scholarship search services available: www.osfa.la.gov “SCHOLARSHIP SEARCHES” Providers of private aid include companies, civic organizations, religious organizations, clubs, etc., student or family employer (“MCDONALD’S,” “EXXON,” “WALMART”)
But try to submit it as soon as possible AFTER January 1 FAFSA Do not submit the FAFSA before January 1 of the year you graduate from high school But try to submit it as soon as possible AFTER January 1 Your family does not have to have submitted its Income Tax: it can ESTIMATE household income and later, when it has completed its income tax, you can correct your FAFSA online – if there is a significant difference between what you estimated and what you really made
FAFSA: Mardi Gras The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the application for both federal and state aid programs The FAFSA is the only application needed for the TOPS scholarship The FAFSA is the only application needed for FEDERAL aid
FAFSA Be sure to submit the FAFSA even if you don’t think you’ll qualify for need based aid Submitting the FAFSA will not interfere with future aid if you decide not to go to college that year Try never to submit two or more FAFSAs per student per year. It is much better to correct the ONE you have submitted already.
FAFSA You should never be asked to pay to fill out the FAFSA. It is a FREE application DO NOT give your credit card number or bank routing numbers for FAFSA - EVER
FAFSA Filing Methods FAFSA On the Web: www.fafsa.ed.gov Faster processing “Skip logic” – students are only asked questions which apply to them Immediate EFC estimate Online receipt verification Live online help Paper Application Available by calling the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 800-433-3243 or downloading from www.fafsa.ed.gov
Get a PIN Apply at www.pin.ed.gov The PIN allows you to sign the FAFSA electronically For dependent students, both you and a parent must have a PIN Parents may use the same PIN for all of their children The PIN allows you to make corrections to the FAFSA online
FAFSA: Student Information Social Security Number State of Legal Residence Citizenship status Interest in STUDENT LOANS and Work-Study programs
FAFSA: Student Status This section determines your dependency status The EFC of a dependent student is based on both your financial information and your parents’ financial information The EFC of an independent student is based on your (and your spouse’s) financial information
FAFSA: Student Status To be considered an independent student, you must be: 24 years old Married Have a child who will receive more than half of its support from you
FAFSA: Student Status Have another person who lives with you and receives more than half of their support from you At any time since you turned age 13, had both of your parents deceased, were you in foster care, or were a dependent or ward of the court
FAFSA: Student Status Already have an undergraduate degree Are currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training Are a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces
FAFSA: Student Status Otherwise, you are considered an INDEPENDENT STUDENT and do not need to use your PARENT INFORMATION and do not need your PARENT TO SIGN the FAFSA
FAFSA: Student Status Special Circumstances Are you or were you an emancipated minor as determined by a court in your state of legal residence? Are you or were you in legal guardianship as determined by a court in your state of legal residence? At any time on or after July 1, 2008, were you determined by certain governmental agencies to be an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?
FAFSA: Parent Information Whose information do you use? Grandparents, foster parents and legal guardians are NOT considered parents If this is your case, see a Financial Aid Officer in the Financial Aid Office of your college
FAFSA : Parent Information If your parent is single or has been divorced or separated, the parent on your FAFSA should be the parent who has custodial guardianship or with whom you lived most during the past 12 months If this parent is remarried as of today, answer the questions about that parent and their spouse If you divide your time equally between both parents, the parent on your FAFSA is the who contributes most to your financial support
FAFSA: Parental Information Records parental income, assets, and type of federal benefits received Number of household in college Does not include parents Parental residency Parents’ e-mail address
FAFSA: Student Finances Records the student’s income, assets, and types of federal benefits received
FAFSA: School Information May list up to 10 colleges to receive your FAFSA data when filing online Make sure to list a Louisiana school first, so that TOPS receives your FAFSA information
FAFSA: Signatures For a dependent student, both the student and the parent must sign FAFSA on the Web may be signed by: Using a pin number The parent and student must have separate pin numbers Parents may use the same PIN for all of their children Printing the signature page Must mail within 14 days
Student Aid Report (SAR) In response to your FAFSA, you will receive a document – several colored pages listing the answers you put on the FAFSA Check these answers carefully to make certain everything is correct If anything is incorrect, you can use your 4-digit PIN, get back into your online FAFSA ,and correct your answers online
Student Aid Report (SAR) The SAR provides you with: Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Pell Grant Eligibility Listing of Institutions which will receive your data A financial aid history A listing of your responses to the FAFSA Corrections may be made: Online at www.fafsa.ed.gov By phone at (800) 433-3243
It pays to make good grades! Don’t Blow Your TOPS! It pays to make good grades!
TOPS The TOPS program was created by the Louisiana legislature in 1997 TOPS is funded through the State General Fund and the Millennium Trust Fund TOPS funds must be appropriated each year by the Legislature
TOPS General Eligibility Requirements Must be a U.S. citizen, or a permanent resident who is eligible to apply for citizenship Have no criminal convictions Excludes misdemeanor traffic violations
TOPS GENERAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS: Any student will meet the TOPS residency requirements if s/he graduates from a Louisiana approved high school and actually resides in Louisiana for his/her last two full years of high school Or, a parent or custodian of a dependent student has been a resident of Louisiana for the 24 months prior to high school graduation
TOPS Core Curriculum All TOPS core curriculum courses must be completed by the date of high school graduation Distance learning courses approved by the high school may be used to qualify for TOPS College courses taken in the classroom, online, or by correspondence may be used to qualify for TOPS provided that they are determined to be equivalent courses and appear on the student’s official high school transcript Effective for the graduating class of 2013-2014, the TOPS Core Curriculum will change to a subset of the Core 4 Curriculum
TOPS ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS: 17.5 COLLEGE CORE COURSES completed by high school grad date 2.50 grade point average over the college core ONLY (NOT overall high school gpa) by high school grad date Qualifying ACT OR SAT score by JULY 1 of high school senior graduating year, PLUS
TOPS ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS: FINAL NON-ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT: The FAFSA which must be submitted by July 1, 2012 by students graduating high school in 2011
TOPS OPPORTUNITY AWARD This is the basic TOPS award, which will pay for 8 semesters’ or 12 quarters’ tuition to any accredited or State college, community college, technical college, or approved proprietary or cosmetology college in Louisiana
TOPS Opportunity Core Curriculum English English I English II English III English IV
TOPS Opportunity Core Curriculum Math Algebra I or Integrated Mathematics I Or Applied Algebra 1 Or Algebra I – Parts 1 & 2 (two units) Or Applied Algebra 1A & 1B (two units) Or Applied Mathematics I & II (two units) Algebra II or Integrated Mathematics II
TOPS Opportunity Core Curriculum Plus one of these: Geometry, Applied Geometry, Calculus, Advanced Math I, Advanced Math II, Pre-Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Algebra III, Applied Mathematics III, Integrated Mathematics III or AP Calculus 2 units required for the class of 2014 and beyond
TOPS Opportunity Core Curriculum Science Biology I or II Chemistry I or II, or Chemistry Com Plus one of these: Earth Science, Physical Science, Environmental Science, Biology II, Chemistry II, Physics, Physics II, Physics for Technology, AP Physics, or Agriscience I and II (two units) 2 units required for the class of 2014 and beyond
TOPS Opportunity Core Curriculum Additional Math or Science from ONE of these: Geometry, Applied Geometry, Calculus, Advanced Math I, Advanced Math II, Pre-Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Algebra III, Applied Mathematics III, Integrated Mathematics III, or AP Calculus Biology II, Chemistry II, Physics, Physics II, or AP Physics Not required for the class of 2014 and beyond
TOPS Opportunity Core Curriculum Social Studies American History Civics and Free Enterprise (1 unit combined), Civics (1 unit), or AP American Government World History, Western Civilization, World Geography, or European History 2 units required for the class of 2014 and beyond
TOPS Opportunity Core Curriculum Foreign Language Two units in the same language English is not considered a foreign language American Sign Language (2 units)
TOPS Opportunity Core Curriculum Fine Arts Survey or two units of performance courses in music, dance or theater* or two units of studio art* or two units of visual art* or two units of Speech III & IV* or 1 unit of an elective from among the other subjects listed in this core curriculum * The two units may be any combination of whole and half units
TOPS Opportunity Core Curriculum ½ unit of Computer Science I or II, Computer Technology Literacy, Business Computer Applications, Introduction to Business Computer Applications, or Computer Science Elective Or ½ unit of an approved computer science course or 1/2 unit of an elective from among the other subjects listed in the core curriculum Not required for the class of 2014 and beyond
TOPS Core Curriculum GPA The TOPS Core Curriculum GPA is calculated using ONLY grades achieved in the core curriculum courses Uses the highest grade in each core category For high schools using any grading scale other than a 4.00 scale, all grade values must be converted to a 4.00 scale GPA cannot be rounded up
TOPS CORE CURRICULUM When two units for a one unit category, the grades from the two courses will be averaged together and substituted as one unit “P” (PASSING) grades are not included in the TOPS Core GPA calculation and will not affect your TOPS gpa
ACT Highest composite score will be considered ACT Registration TOPS does not consider the Essay portion of the ACT ACT Registration TOPS Code 1595 Social Security Number Date of Birth ACT Deadlines for 2011 Graduates Without penalty: April 9, 2011 Loss of one semester eligibility: June 11, 2011
SAT An equivalent SAT score may be substituted for the ACT score TOPS does not consider the Essay portion of the SAT SAT Registration Scholarship Code 9019 Social Security Number Date of Birth SAT Test Deadlines Without Penalty: March 12, 2011 Loss of 1 semester eligibility: May 7, 2011 and June 4, 2011
TOPS Opportunity Award: Eligibility Requirements Completion of the TOPS Core Curriculum by high school grad date 2.50 minimum TOPS Core Curriculum GPA by high school grad date ACT score equal to the prior year’s state average, but never less than 20 ? for 2011 graduates SAT score of ? TOPS general eligibility requirements
TOPS Opportunity Award: Eligibility Requirements Submission of the FAFS A By July 1 of the year following high school graduation 2010 high school grads can apply for TOPS until July 1 2011
Opportunity Award Benefits Provides an amount equal to tuition at a Louisiana public college for 8 semesters Or an amount equal to the weighted average public tuition at a LAICU private institution $1515.47 per semester for Academic Year 2010-2011 TOPS does not cover academic excellence fees, energy surcharges, technology fees, books, room & board, parking fees, lab fees or any other fee that was not in effect on January 1, 1998 A TOPS award may be combined with other forms of financial aid up to the “Cost of Attendance” for the institution
Opportunity Award Benefits May be received for a maximum of eight semesters or 12 quarters Not available for summer terms except for students enrolled in a Qualified Summer Session Students with 60 or more hours Required to attend summer by major Courses required for major only offered in summer Technical Programs
TOPS Opportunity Award Benefits May be used to pursue: Academic undergraduate degree Vocational or technical certificate Non-academic degree Effective for 2011 graduates, the award may be used at eligible Louisiana cosmetology and proprietary schools
ANY TOPS AWARD A TOPS award may be combined with Federal aid, other State aid, college scholarships, military aid, and private aid up to the “Cost of Attendance” for the institution
Opportunity Award Benefits Any recipient who successfully completes a Bachelor’s degree in less than 8 semesters or 12 quarters of award benefits, may receive any remaining terms of eligibility for graduate study The amount of the award shall equal the amount of tuition charged for the graduate study, OR the amount charged for undergraduate full-time enrollment at the highest cost public institution (LSU-BR), whichever is less Performance and Honors award recipients will receive their stipends
TOPS Performance Award Eligibility Requirements Completion of the TOPS Core Curriculum 3.0 minimum TOPS Core Curriculum GPA ACT score of 23 SAT score of 1060 Award Benefits Provides the same benefits as the Opportunity award, plus $400 annual stipend
TOPS Honors Award Eligibility Requirements Award Benefits Completion of the TOPS Core Curriculum 3.00 minimum TOPS Core Curriculum GPA ACT score of 27 SAT score of 1210 Award Benefits Provides the same benefits as the Opportunity award, plus $800 annual stipend
TOPS Tech Award Eligibility Requirements Completion of one the three TOPS Tech Core Curricula by the high school grad date Opportunity Core Curriculum TOPS Tech Option 1 TOPS Tech Option 2 2.50 minimum TOPS or TOPS Tech Core Curriculum GPA obtained by the high school grad date ACT score of 17, 18, or 19 SAT score of 810, 860, or 900 WorkKeys Silver Certificate
TOPS Tech Award Benefits May be used to pursue vocational or technical certificate or diploma or non-academic degree in skill or occupational training May receive for two years Summer terms are covered for students attending a technical program Summer attendance is not required
TOPS Tech Award Benefits: Award Amounts Public 2-year Institution The award will pay an amount equal to tuition Cosmetology or Proprietary School The award will be an amount equal to the weighted average paid for students enrolled in a technical program at a public institution
Disabled Students & Exceptional Children A core curriculum course may be waived for a disabled student or exceptional child if documentation is provided that the reason the student failed to successfully complete the course was due solely to the student’s disability or exceptionality There is no exception to the GPA or ACT/SAT requirements ACT or SAT Special Testing for Students with Disabilities is available Affected students should contact LOSFA for details
TOPS Application There are two methods for applying for a TOPS Scholarship FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) – www.fafsa.ed.gov Must be completed if the student is eligible for federal grant aid (Pell Grant) Must be completed if the student is seeking any other form of financial aid The only application needed for TOPS TOPS Online Application – www.osfa.la.gov May only be completed by students who can certify that they do not qualify for federal grant aid In the event of a budget shortfall, students completing the TOPS Online Application will be the first to lose their TOPS award Do not complete if you have completed the FAFSA
Application Deadlines for 2011 Graduates Initial Application Receipt Date Receives TOPS funding for: Jan. 1 – July 1, 2011 8 semesters (12 quarters) Beginning 2011-2012 July 2, 2011 – July 1, 2012 Beginning Fall 2012 July 2, 2012 – Aug. 29, 2012 7 semesters (10 quarters) Aug. 30, 2012 – Oct. 29, 2012 6 semesters (9 quarters) Initial Applications Received After October 29, 2012 Ineligible for TOPS Students who attend the 2011-2012 academic year who apply for TOPS between July 2, 2011 and October 29, 2012 must also have met the TOPS retention requirements to be eligible for TOPS funding at the beginning in the Fall 2012 semester
Award Acceptance Exceptions: Must enter an eligible institution as a full-time student by the fall semester following the first anniversary of high school graduation Exceptions: Returning Out-of-State Students Military Service
National Guard TOPS Recipients TOPS recipients serving in the Louisiana National Guard shall receive: The National Guard tuition exemption (equal to the TOPS tuition amount) in lieu of the TOPS tuition amount $300 per semester for books and supplies Plus TOPS stipend Performance Award: $400 per semester Honors Award: $800 per semester
TOPS Retention Requirements Should apply annually by July 1st by completing the Renewal FAFSA Must be continuously enrolled on a full-time basis during the academic year Must earn 24 credit hours each academic year Failure to earn 24 hours will result in permanent award cancellation Summer hours are included in the academic year for the TOPS Tech Award only Exceptions to the continuous enrollment or 24 hour requirement may be granted by LOSFA for reasons beyond the student’s control
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE Do not have to enroll throughout the first year following high school graduation Can stay out of college completely Can attend college part-time at the student’s expense Can attend non-eligible college full-time at student’s expense
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE - HOURS But once enrolled full-time, must enroll full-time thereafter, EVERY SEMESTER until eight semesters are used Fulltime definition: Student must be enrolled for 12 or more hours by the end of the14th day of class attendance: that is, 14 days that classes have been offered
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE - HOURS Students may drop below full-time at the end of the 15th day of class attendance, But must complete 24 hours at the end of each spring semester, with a D or better, for the academic year (that spring and the preceding fall) TOPS does NOT count summer hours
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE - HOURS Failure to enroll full-time each semester, or Failure to earn 24 hours at the end of the year, will result in permanent award cancellation Unless the student can document illness, injury, death in the family, a diagnosis of depression, anxiety, etc., pregnancy, military or religious commitment, et . Or other reasons beyond the student’s control
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE - HOURS TOPS will now count fall intersession hours, spring intersession hours, and hours from any short course, or midmester, or minimester, or correspondence course taken BETWEEN AUGUST and MAY: in other words, NOT taken in summer, toward the 24 hours required at the end of the spring semester for that year
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE - HOURS These short courses may not be used for INITIAL FULLTIME ENROLLMENT for each semester, But may be used to “save your TOPS,” or insure that you finish each year with the requisite number of hours
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE - GRADES TOPS looks only at CUMULATI VE or OVERALL grade point average (gpa), never semester, term, or yearly That means that every college grade you ever make, even in college courses taken in high school or summers or out of state colleges, counts toward your TOPS grade point average
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE - GRADES Your cumulative gpa can drop as low as a 2.00 (steady academic progress) at the end of any fall or winter term, and TOPS will pay for the following term But by the end of each Spring term, you must achieve a cumulative college gpa of 2.30, or TOPS will cease to pay, until you bring it up to a 2.30
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE - GRADES After you have earned 48 hours, you need a cumulative gpa of 2.50 at the end of the spring semester. Of course, if you bring your grades up to requirement at the end of a summer or fall or winter term, TOPS will resume paying the following semester. You do not have to wait until after spring.
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE - GRADES When your gpa comes back up to requirement, then TOPS will resume paying You have to go four semesters in a row that TOPS will not pay because of your grades, before you will lose your TOPS forever, on account of grades
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE - GRADES That means, it takes TWO YEARS with grades below requirement, before you lose your TOPS on account of grades About F’s: TOPS does not mind if you make an F: but 3 hours of F means that you have lost 3 hours’ credit; and you might end up your spring semester with 21 hours instead of 24: therefore losing your TOPS forever
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE: HOURS But you can lose your TOPS forever, before receiving a single payment, on account of HOURS Please learn about college hours and how you can be certain that you are enrolled full-time and finish full-time in the spring
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE: GRADES After you have earned 48 hours, you will need a cumulative gpa of 2.50, at the end of ech spring term
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE: GRADES If your grades fall below requirement, DO NOT DROP OUT OF COLLEGE You can count summer grades, and you can take anything you want, not just required courses If you drop out of college just because of grades, then you WILL lose your TOPS forever
TOPS TECH AWARD: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS TECH AWARD IN COLLEGE: You must enroll full-time each term, but you can count summer hours toward your 24, and TOPS will pay for summer school But you must end each spring term with a 2.50 cumulative grade point average
TOPS PERFORMANCE & HONORS AWARDS - GRADES: You must complete each spring semester with a 3.00 Or you will lose your stipend (extra money), forever But NOT your TOPS tuition award
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE At the end of each Spring term, the following cumulative college GPA must be achieved: Opportunity Award: 2.30 first academic year 2.50 all subsequent academic years Opportunity Award recipients who fail to maintain the retention GPA will be suspended Performance and Honors Awards: 3.00 Performance or Honors award recipients who fail to maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA will revert to the Opportunity Award (see above requirements) Tech Award: 2.50 Includes Opportunity, Performance & Honors award recipients enrolled in a technical program
TOPS: HOW TO KEEP YOUR TOPS IN COLLEGE Steady Academic Progress of a 2.00 cumulative college GPA must be maintained at the end of any other term or the award will be suspended Suspended awards may be reinstated upon attainment of the required GPA Period of ineligibility may not persist for more than two years or one year for the tech award
LOSFA Social Sites http://www.facebook.com/LOSFA http://www.twitter.com/LOSFA http://www.youtube.com/ LOSFA1000 http://www.Flickr.com/LOSFA TOPS Blog http://www.louisianatopsprogram.com/