EDCO Ventures Confidential EDCO Ventures
Mission To create companies and jobs with living wages in economically distressed regions EDCO Ventures Confidential
3 Strategic Partners Typical Funding Sources $1M $10M FFF Banks IPO EDCO Typically Invests with Friends, Families (& Fools) time $ + $ - Business Plan Prototype Pilot/Mrkting Sales IdeaProfitability $100K Investment Revenue Venture Capital Angels Gov’t
4 Comparison EDCOI ncubators, Accelerators, Labs Small Biz Dev Centers AngelsVC Investment YesNo Yes Investment amounts ~$25K*--$100K - $2M$2M and up Engagement stage Inception, Idea, and Pre-seed Pre-seed Seed / Start- up Later Stage Facilities NoYes, but varies No Business Assistance Yes Community Development Yes No Venture Development YesNo * Intent is to increase this when funding permits
Project Selection -Scope is to facilitate the creation of companies -High value-added products or services -Disruptive ideas or technology -High and fast growth potential -Criteria: -5 year revenue target greater than $30 million / year. -Ability to produce jobs with living wages. -Headquartered in economically distressed region. EDCO Ventures Confidential
EDCO Venture Companies EDCO Ventures Confidential Joint Venture Stematix & EDCO Umbilical Cord Blood Bank Renewable Building Products Bio-Butanol
Kenaf Boards & Bio-Butanol Kenaf Plant 100 days Fencing and DeckingBio-Butanol