Is Your Website Hackable? Check with Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner. Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner V9
Combatting the Web Vulnerability Company Overview Founded 2004 Pioneer in Web Application Security Unique Technology - AcuSensor OWASP Member Award Winning Software Fortune 500 Customers License Holder of IBM Patent Patent # 6,584,569
Combatting the Web Vulnerability WVS V9 in a nutshell - 1 of 2 FULL HTML5 support Improved crawling capabilities, with particular attention to dynamic pages using AJAX, JavaScript and Single Page Applications Improved support for Mobile friendly sites
Combatting the Web Vulnerability WVS V9 in a nutshell – 2 of 2 Detection of DOM based XSS Detection of Blind XSS (unique to WVS) Detection of new vulnerabilities Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) XML External Entity (XXE) Mail Header Injection Host Header based attacks
Combatting the Web Vulnerability FULL HTML5 support New HTML / Script evaluation engine Same as the one used in Chrome / Safari Used in 40% of the world’s internet browsing Introduces FULL support for HTML5 34% of Alexa’s Top 100 sites implemented in HTML5 in Sept 2011 HTML5 will eventually replace Flash
Combatting the Web Vulnerability Improved Crawling capabilities Superior JavaScript evaluation Increased support for AJAX sites and other JavaScript based web sites Introduced support for Single Page Applications ( page_application) page_application You can only scan what has been crawled
Combatting the Web Vulnerability Improved support for Mobile Friendly sites – 1 of 2 1 billion smartphones used worldwide ( In Asia, Internet browsing from mobile increased threefold between 2011 and 2012 ( 2 versions of the same website – one for normal browsers, and another for mobiles, smartphones and tablets
Combatting the Web Vulnerability Improved support for Mobile Friendly sites – 2 of 2 WVS v9 detects mobile friendly sites at pre- crawl stage and gives option to focus the scan on one version of the site Our HTML / Script evaluation engine is the layout engine of choice for the default browsers in iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Amazon Kindle.
Combatting the Web Vulnerability Detection of DOM XSS – 1 of 2 3 types of XSS – Stored, Reflected and DOM based OWASP Top 10, 2013 classifies XSS as ‘Very Widespread’ Client scripts often process the Document Object Model (DOM) DOM can sometimes be manipulated so as to introduce custom scripts in the DOM
Combatting the Web Vulnerability Detection of DOM XSS – 2 of 2 Different from Stored or Reflected XSS, since payload is placed in the DOM (in the browser) and not on the page served by the web site Advanced techniques do not send payload to server, making exploitation completely invisible to the website’s owner Detection requires advanced interpretation of JavaScript
Combatting the Web Vulnerability Detection of Blind XSS - 1 of 2 Blind XSS is a type of Stored XSS where the payload is injected from one web application and executed in another web application Example: Hacker injects XSS on website in support request form XSS is executed when Support open the request from the Support portal
Combatting the Web Vulnerability Detection of Blind XSS - 2 of 2 Blind XSS detection requires AcuMonitor (Acunetix Vulnerability Verification Service (VVS) to be enabled How blind XSS works Acunetix WVS probes an XSS prone web form and tries to inject scripts in doing so. Scripts are stored in database, but never executed on main web application. After some time, the script is executed from other web application which makes web request to AcuMonitor
Combatting the Web Vulnerability Detection of Blind XSS - 3 of 3 VVS Admin Scan Web Site XSS stored in DB XSS loaded in backend webapp Script informs VVS VVS informs admin by
Combatting the Web Vulnerability Detection of New Vulnerabilities Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) XML External Entity (XXE) Mail Header Injection Host Header based attacks
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