Objective: To show your understanding of the importance of the Torah to Jews. Skill objective: To be able to plan and carry out research
Watch the DVD and make notes on key points.
Top tips for making a leaflet 1.Good title: make it attention grabbing. 2.Have a summary of main points 3.Be clear and concise: Don’t write too much information 4.Use sub headings 5.Include images 6.Check all spelling is correct. 7.Readable font size is essential: no less than 10.
What is the Torah? What does it contain? When was it written? What do Jews believe about it? How is it treated? How is it used? Who creates them? How? Why is the Torah important in Jewish worship?
Extension work: Torah scrolls are always on rollers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this format over others (e.g. book)? How can you tell the scrolls are important to the people who made and owned them?
What have you learnt this lesson? Facts – e.g Ideas/viewpoints Similarities/differences - diversity Key words/concepts Examples of how religion affects the world around us – e.g. culture What contribution to your learning did you make? Contributed to class discussion Worked in a pair/group Organised my time well Found out information for myself Answered thoroughly and thoughtfully Completed extension task Monitored my progress Peer/ self assessed work How did you learn it? Research work Discussion Questioning Pairs/ group work - collaborative Independent learning Using technology e.g video/ internet What do you need to do in order to make further progress? Do further research Background reading Develop my writing technique Contribute more in class Proof read my work Give examples to back up my ideas Make connections between different beliefs and faiths