F ALL S ENIOR W ORKSHOP September 16, :00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
A GENDA Counselor Introduction Diploma Requirements/Designations Senior Activities College Planning Scholarships Financial Aid Questions
C OUNSELOR C ONTACT I NFORMATION Ms. Norman, Senior Counselor Website: Phone: (850) ext. 280 to (850) to receive text reminders for Senior information Tate website for School Calendar of events
S TANDARD D IPLOMA G RADUATION REQUIREMENTS CLASS OF 2015 Passing score on the FCAT 2.0 in reading or a concordant/comparable score on ACT/SAT - 19 on ACT Reading portion Passing score on the Algebra EOC assessment to earn credit in the course and to earn a standard diploma. PERT option – score 97 Twenty-four credits to include the following: 4 credits in English 4 credits in mathematics to include Algebra Geometry 3 credits in science, two of which must include a laboratory component 3 credits in social studies to include World history U.S. history U.S. Government/Economics, which must include Financial Literacy 1 credit in Fine or Performing Arts, Speech, Debate, or Practical Arts 1.5 credits in physical education to include personal Fitness 7.5 elective credits A complete and pass an online course. Econ for Telatovich counts
M ERIT & S CHOLAR D IPLOMA D ESIGNATIONS / G RADUATION REQUIREMENTS To earn a Merit Designation, the student must o Earn 26 credits o Meet the requirements for a standard diploma o Earn at least one industry certification from an approved list To earn a Scholar Designation, the student must o Earn 26 credits o Meet the requirements for a standard diploma o Fulfill the following requirements: Pass the Reading FCAT 2.0 or the ELA common core assessment when implemented Earn 1 credit in Algebra 2 and pass the common core assessment when implemented Earn 1 credit in statistics or equally rigorous Level 3 mathematics course Pass the Biology EOC assessment Earn 1 credit in Physics or Chemistry Earn 1 credit in an equally rigorous Level 3 science course Pass the EOC assessment in U.S. History Earn 2 consecutive credits in a foreign language Earn a minimum of 1 credit in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Dual Enrollment, or an approved industry certification
C OLLEGE P LANNING Florida Virtual CampusFlorida Virtual Campus (flvc.org) Search Degree Programs Search College and University Profiles College Admission Requirements Admission Applications Student Services Information State University System MatrixState University System Matrix ( avg ACT/SAT ) Pay close attention to deadlines. ( see handout ) Apply online when possible. Tate Instant Decision Day October 16th. UWF representatives available. o University of West Florida
A PPLYING FOR C OLLEGE ( SEE HANDOUT /PSC BOOKLET ) Complete applications. Personal statement (if applicable) Residency statement Application fee (waivers available for qualified students for some schools) Request recommendations (if applicable). Give recommenders 2-3 weeks’ notice. Complete transcript requests. Transcript forms available in Guidance Office and online. Give completed transcript request forms to Mrs. Reeder in the Guidance Office. Register for required tests (ACT, SAT, and/or PERT) if needed.
C OLLEGE E NTRANCE T ESTS ACT – (school code: ) Measures achievement. Curriculum based (English, Math, Reading & Science) $36.50 test fee without writing. $52.50 with writing. Writing test needed for university admission. Uploaded photo required. Free practice tests available. Fee waivers available for students w/free/reduced lunch SAT – Measures ability. $51.00 test fee. Writing included. Uploaded photo required. Free practice tests available. Fee waivers available for students w/free/reduced lunch
C OLLEGE V ISITATION P OLICY 3 total absences allowed for college visits junior and senior year. Visits must have prior approval to be counted as excused school absences. College Visitation forms are available in the Main Office – see Ms. Bedford.
S TUDENT A THLETES Students who plan to play Division I/II college sports need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center ( Tate school code is ACT and SAT test scores must be sent directly to the Eligibility Center (code = 9999). Give transcript requests to Mrs. Reeder in the Guidance Office.
B RIGHT F UTURES S CHOLARSHIP ( SEE HANDOUT ) Offers one of three scholarships to graduates who meet criteria. Eligibility based on GPA, College Entrance Exams (ACT/SAT), and Community Service hours. Apply for Bright Futures beginning December 1, 2014 at Students must complete the online application before graduation to be eligible for an award. Apply even if you are joining the Military or not sure about college yet.
C OMMUNITY S ERVICE R EQUIREMENTS 100 hours Academic Scholarship 75 hours Medallion Scholarship 30 hours Gold Seal Vocational Scholarship Complete service requirement before graduation. Preferably by December Forms to document service and list of organizations available on Guidance website and in the Guidance Office. Service must be for nonprofit organizations. Turn in completed community service forms to your counselor or Mrs. Reeder in the Guidance Office.
S CHOLARSHIPS Research and apply for scholarships. Guidance Office and website Class of 2015 ClassJump website Career College Financial Other sources Colleges Businesses and organization s
A PPLYING FOR F INANCIAL A ID Federal Aid (Apply beginning Jan 1, 2015) FAFSA4casterFAFSA4caster (estimates eligibility amount) FAFSA Obtain PINs ( Compile documents (Tax return/W2s). Complete FAFSA as soon as possible after January 1 ( Review Student Aid Report (SAR). Contact College Financial Aid Office. PROFILE Required by some private colleges/universities.
M ILITARY S ERVICE Contact the recruiter through Tate or call directly to the service being considered Army (850) Navy (850) Marines (850) Air Force (850) Coast Guard (850)
M S. W ANDA W OOD, P ENSACOLA S TATE C OLLEGE E DUCATIONAL O PPORTUNITY C ENTER PENSACOLASTATE. EDU Assistance with: ADMISSIONS APPLICATIONS New Updates Transfers FINANCIAL AID (ELECTRONIC FAFSA APPLICATIONS) FA Workshops at Tate High School Individual appointments EOC Office/PSC Campus EDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE Exploring options for educational institutions (college, university, vocational school) Understanding degree/certificate options (AA, AS, BA, BS, vocational certificate) CAREER GUIDANCE Career assessments available Information about high wage/high skill/high demand careers TUTORIAL Limited assistance with college entrance exam preparation Math tutor for EOC applicants