Welcome to University Library Services The Murray Library
You can use all three site libraries The Murray Library Cultural Studies, Health, Natural and Social Sciences, Performing Arts, Secondary and Post-Compulsory Education St Peter’s Library Business, Computing, Education, Engineering, Law, Media, Psychology, Tourism Ashburne Library Design, Fine Art, Glass & Ceramics, History of Art & Design, Photography, Video & Digital Imaging
Murray Library and St. Peter’s Library 24/7 during term time - all you need is your Campus Card Ashburne Library Term Time Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00am – 8:00pm Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm Saturday10:00am – 1:00pm Find out when the libraries are open by : Checking the notices outside the Library Checking on the library’s website Picking up a leaflet Asking a member of library staff The libraries are open at times to suit you
Pick up your library/campus card and start using the library You can pick it up from the Student Gateway It’s for your use only, so keep it safe If you lose your card, tell us so we can organise a replacement quickly
How do I use the library computers? Use your University ID and Password to log on & print from library computers access your account If you haven’t already done so, change your password from your date of birth using Selfcare on MySunderland.
Keep up to date with your University account You will receive: important University s messages from the Library your Athens username and account: to use the library’s electronic resources
My Sunderland – the best place to start
University Library web pages
A great place to study All the books on your reading lists Online resources Computing facilities Printing & photocopying Laptop loans Wireless access Scanning Specialist help Everything you need from your library
Searching the Library Catalogue Use the library catalogue to: Find the items you need Search for E-Books Place reservations Keep track of your account & renew your loans Search other university library catalogues
Journal Search....when you need more than books Use your University ID and password to access online journals
A place to hand in and pick up your assignments Assignment Services online blogs will let you know when your work has been marked and is ready for collection.
Help when you need it During induction and the beginning of term, you may be overwhelmed with the amount of new things to learn Don’t worry.....help is on hand from: the library website any member of library staff our help service Live Chat Our Twitter account library induction displays (for information and freebies....including sweets!)
Live Chat Need a quick answer to a question? Get instant real time help wherever you are With Live Chat you can: Chat to library staff online and get instant answers to your queries Receive links from relevant web pages and information sources Use screen sharing (desktop sharing) to show you how to use online resources Check the library website for hours when this service is available
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Your Subject Librarian Make an appointment with your subject librarian if you require specialist help Culture (English, Geography, History, Laurie Fenwick Politics, Religion) and Languages Secondary, and Tertiary EducationJulie Archer and Annika Davis Health and Sports SciencesSandra Marsh Performing Arts Kim Purvis Social Sciences Christine Stevenson We hope you enjoy your time at the University of Sunderland