Starting on April 19 th, 1943, the Jewish resistance fought back against the Nazi troops that were invading the Warsaw Ghetto. On May 16 th, 1943, the ghetto was destroyed, but the Z.O.B. was still known as heroes. Doing what they did made an impact on history by giving people the courage to fight back. In Nazi Germany, during 1942 and 1943, an academic resistance of students, Sophie Scholl and Hans Scholl, attending the University of Munich made a group. This group was called White Rose which plead against Hitler's regime. The six members of this group were arrested and beheaded on 1943 for distributing copies of their leaflets going against Adolf Hitler's regime. Doing what they did put a change to this world today by giving people faith to stand up for what they believe is right and taking the consequences.
The Jewish resistance and all the other Jewish people of Warsaw knew that they were going to be killed, but instead of going down without a fight, the risked their lives even more and fought against the Nazi regime. On May 16 th they ended up failing and the Nazis torn down the city of Warsaw.
By the time the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was over, about one third of the Jewish population in Poland was gone. Even though the Jewish Resistance was afraid of what the Nazis were doing, they were not afraid to fight them. The Nazi's had much more people than the Jewish resistance. Even today the remembrance of the Warsaw ghetto uprising is hard for the families of those who lost their loved ones.
To make it clear that the victory went to the Nazis, they blew up the synagogue. In the end the Warsaw Ghetto people felt they had struck a blow to the Nazi forces. Important features in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising include The Stroop Report and a list of people allowed to leave the ghetto. List of people Stroop Report Synagogue
On the day of February 22, 1943 Sophie Scholl was a German student protester. She was in a nonviolent resistance group called The White Rose. After caught distributing anti- war leaflets at the University of Munich with her brother Hans Scholl they were executed by a guillotine along with the other six members who stood by them. Scholl has been honored and celebrated since 1970 known as one of the great German heroes who made a statement to the world.
In Nazi Germany, Hans Scholl and Sophie knew that the open disagreements was impossible. Even after the start of World War II many of the Germans believed that when war breaks out, the job of the citizens is to help the troops by supporting the government. Hans and Sophie Scholl had a different opinion. They thought that it was the job of a citizen while times of war to fight against an evil regime. They believed this because it was sending hundreds of thousands of its citizens to their deaths! Once everyone knew what the Scholl's family beliefs were it was told throughout all of Germany until the Nazis and Hitler realized the organization they had been making.
The story beyond the White Rose tells a message in disagree, a tale of bravery, of belief, and of admiration. Sophie Scholl has taught people throughout the world to have strong principles and society consciences.
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Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Timeline January Himmler, the Reich Leader of the SS, wants the Ghetto to be liquidated as soon as possible. April German troops that were led by SS General Stroop invaded Warsaw. The ZOB (Jewish resistance) members fought the Nazis. The Nazis forced Jews into the Treblinka Death Camp. Mordechai Anielewicz was the leader of the ZOB and told the Jews in the resistance to fight back. The Jews in the ZOB threw grenades at the German soldiers who were invading Warsaw. April 21st through May 7th, 1943 The Nazis burnt most of Warsaw. Wherever the Nazis passed by, they would set up in flames. A lot of the Jews were trapped inside and couldn’t make it out. April 25th, 1943 Jürgen Stroop informed the people that 27,464 Jews had been captured in the Warsaw Ghetto. May 16th, 1943 After 27 days of fighting, the Nazi blew up the Tlomacki Synagogue to point out that the Uprising had ended. There were 56,065 Jews captured, 13,000 were killed, and 7,000 were deported to Treblinka.
White Rose Timeline May 1942 – Sophie arrived at the University of Munich. June 27-July 12, 1942 – The first four “Leaflets of the White Rose” were distributed. July 1942 – Robert Scholl was arrested for an anti-Hitler remark and was sentenced to four months in prison. August 1942 – Sophie began her factory work making parts for machines of war. November 1942 – Kurt Huber who was a professor of philosophy became involved with the White Rose. November 1942-January 1943 – The White Rose tried to establish other “cells of oppositions. February 22, Hans Scholl and his sister Sophie, along with their best friend, Christophe Probst, were scheduled to be executed by Nazi officials that afternoon.
The fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943 chose how to die. By choosing to fight they reacted to Nazi oppression. The Ghetto Uprising has been called a turning point for Jews, a fierce revolution for freedom. The White Rose Members and Sophie Scholl reacted to the evil Nazi Regime. They created a revolution of new thoughts, ideas, and actions. In their deaths they brought reform. The White Rose Organization has inspired many anti-war activist to advocate for free speech and to fight against corruption and hate.