Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Risk Management Presentation 2010
Why do we have to be here today? National tells us to University requires this of us We have to do this for insurance Our consultant made us do it We are under sanctions Others?
Why should we want to be here? To keep members safe at chapter events To keep our guests safe at chapter events To inform all members of expectations To talk about the guidelines To keep our charter on the wall Others?
MRG 101 – Pop Quiz What does MRG stand for? Member Responsibility Guidelines When must chapters review the MRG? No later than October 25th of each year Who must attend the MRG presentation? At least 90% of all new members and members
Enough of the easy questions….
MRG 202 – Pop Quiz Failure to comply with a sanction for a lower level violation will result in what? A Level III Violation True or False - A chapter which has a Level II or Level III violation during the year will be rendered ineligible for the Hugh Shields award? True
MRG 202 – Pop Quiz (cont.) All members are required to settle disputes with the Fraternity via what method? Binding Arbitration What is the Fraternity’s alcohol education program mentioned in the MRG? DTAA powered by GreeklifeEDU
With the help of your brothers… Please break into 14 groups (1,2,3...12,13,14)* Each group will review one of the following guidelines in the MRG (pages 2-3): *Only 12 groups are needed if the chapter does not have a shelter. If so skip groups 4 and 5.
Groups 1-7 Group 1 - General Expectations # 3 (page 2) Group 2 – Hazing (page 2) Group 3 - Abusive Behavior (page 2) Group 4 - Shelter Management # 1 (page 2) Group 5 – Shelter Management # 2 (page 2) Group 6 - Alcohol and Drugs # 1 (page 3) Group 7 – Alcohol and Drugs # 2 (page 3)
Groups 8 -14 Group 8 – Alcohol and Drugs # 3 (page 3)
Discussion Questions Each group discuss the following questions: Literally, what does this guideline say? (read it) What is the spirit of the rule? (what does it mean) How have you seen other chapters on campus violate this guideline? (or your own chapter) How can our chapter prevent from violating this guideline?
10 Minutes for Discussion
The Deadline is November 15! Did you get above a 3.5 GPA last term? Were you on the Dean’s List last term? If so, you are eligible to be recognized as a Kershner Scholar! Go to to find out more and to report your chapter’s Kershner Scholars today! The Deadline is November 15!
Group 1 – General Expectations #3 The public image and honor of the Fraternity being the responsibility of every member of the Fraternity, no chapters shall present, allow, or permit to continue inappropriate chapter programming that brings or could bring dishonor to the Fraternity.
Group 1 – General Expectations #3 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 2 – Hazing No chapter of Delta Tau Delta shall indulge in any physical abuse or undignified treatment (hazing) of its pledges or members. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created intentionally, whether on or off Fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities and situations include paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shocks, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities, kidnapping of actives by pledges or pledges by actives as well as the forced consumption of alcohol, wearing apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in any public stunts and buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, late work sessions which interfere with academic activity, and any other activities which are not consistent with Fraternal law, Ritual or policy with the regulations and policies of the host educational institution. Furthermore, chapters shall follow Delta Tau Delta’s Delt Development Program.
Group 2 – Hazing What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 3 – Abusive Behavior The Fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of abusive behavior, including sexist or sexually abusive behavior, on the part of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional. This is to include any actions, activities or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location directed toward members or non-members or any actions which are demeaning to women or men, such as verbal harassment. Such behavior includes, but is not limited, to hazing, fighting, and sexual assault. The employment or use of strippers, exotic dancers or similar, whether professional or amateur, at a fraternity event as defined in this policy is prohibited.
Group 3 – Abusive Behavior What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 4 – Shelter Management #1 The shelter, along with its furnishings and landscape, should provide for each member an environment for study, clean and safe living conditions, and recreational facilities. A sound program focused on proper maintenance of the property, along with due regard for host institution, health, or fire department regulations, must be followed in each chapter.
Group 4 – Shelter Management #1 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 5 – Shelter Management #2 The possession, storage and/or use of firearms, weapons, or explosive or incendiary devices of any kind within the confines or premises of the shelter or at any function sponsored by the chapter is expressly forbidden.
Group 5 – Shelter Management #2 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 6 – Alcohol and Drugs #1 No chapter of Delta Tau Delta may purchase alcoholic beverages with Fraternity funds, nor may anyone in the name of or on behalf of any chapter coordinate the collection of any funds for such a purchase. This includes the purchase of kegs, party balls and other bulk quantities of alcoholic beverages. In addition, no alcohol may be served from common source containers (kegs, party balls or other bulk containers) on chapter property or at chapter events.
Group 6 – Alcohol and Drugs #1 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 7 – Alcohol and Drugs #2 The possession, sale, use or consumption of alcoholic beverages, while on chapter premises, or during a Fraternity event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, or at any event an observer would associate with the Fraternity, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher education, and must comply with either the BYOB or third party vendor guidelines. Examples of non-compliance include, but are not limited to, charging admission to parties, passing the hat, selling empty cups, selling drink tickets, or having vending machines which dispense alcoholic beverages.
Group 7 – Alcohol and Drugs #2 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 8 –Alcohol and Drugs #3 The use or possession of any unlawful drug in any form at any Delta Tau Delta function or in any Delta Tau Delta shelter will be grounds for immediate suspension.
Group 8 – Alcohol and Drugs #3 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 9 – Alcohol and Drugs #4 Parties and social activities should be open to members and invited guests only. Open parties, meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of the Fraternity, without written individual invitations, are prohibited.
Group 9 – Alcohol and Drugs #4 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 10 –Alcohol and Drugs #5 All rush functions associated with any undergraduate chapter or alumni association or alumni chapter of Delta Tau Delta will be dry, without the presence of alcoholic beverages.
Group 10 –Alcohol and Drugs #5 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 11 –Alcohol and Drugs #6 No alcohol shall be present at any pledge program or initiation activity of any chapter. This includes but is not limited to activities associated with “bid night,” “big brother – little brother” events or activities, “family” events or activities and initiation.
Group 11 –Alcohol and Drugs #6 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 12 –Alcohol and Drugs #7 No chapter may co‑sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor, charitable organization or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. Chapters also may not co‑sponsor functions where alcohol is purchased by other fraternity chapters, groups or organizations. This shall not be construed to prohibit the use of third party vendors for chapter functions that comply with these guidelines and with the rules of the host educational institution.
Group 12 –Alcohol and Drugs #7 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 13 –Alcohol and Drugs #9 Drunkenness by members and pledges will be classified as “conduct unbecoming a member of the Fraternity” as defined in Article 11, Section 2 of the Fraternity’s Constitution.
Group 13 –Alcohol and Drugs #9 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Group 14 –Alcohol and Drugs #12 No member or pledge/associate/new member/novice, shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games”.
Group 14 –Alcohol and Drugs #12 What is the spirit of this guideline? How have you seen this violated on campus? What can DTD do to maintain integrity with this guideline?
Timeout – Stand up, move around
Final thoughts on the MRG Investigation and Response Local Policies and Procedures MRG and the Ritual
Fraternity Response to Violations Level I Corrective Actions and Sanctions Level II Sanctions, fine up to $75 per member and up to possible suspension of Charter Level III Sanctions, fine up to $150 per member fine and possible withdrawal of charter
MRG Pages 4 & 5 Which offenses are Level I? Which offenses are Level II? Which offenses are Level III?
Code of Conduct At this time your Director of Risk Management should pass around one copy of the Delta Tau Delta code of conduct for each member to sign and date. Please return to your Director of Risk Management to keep on file.
Local Policies and Procedures It is the duty of every Delt to know the local procedures and policies of your campus. If you do not know talk to your advisor or Greek Advisor What policies are you aware of at this campus? When there is a difference, always go with the stricter policy.
Ritual If we live the Ritual every day, what happens to the MRG? It becomes unnecessary. All chapters should strive to live according the Ritual and the Mission and Values What does the Ritual say about risk management? (Hint look for “Honor” and “Social”
Closing Discussion What questions do you have? If you don’t know the answer call your consultant or the Central Office. Have fun, be safe, live lives of excellence. Copyright 2010Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Created by Jack C Kreman