Alcohol and You A Legal Drug
ALCOHOL Drug produced by a chemical reaction in fruits, vegetables and grains Depressant-slows down the working of the brain and other parts of the nervous system 17 million Americans impacted each year Physical, social and psychological problems related to alcohol 95,000 people die each year from alcohol related deaths
Short Term Effects of Alcohol on Body Short term effects are those that occur within minutes of drinking Increased heart rate Liver function becomes unbalanced Liver changes alcohol into water & carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide released thru lungs Water passes through body in form of urine, perspiration, breath vapor 3. Widened blood vessels-creates feeling of warmth (false) 4. Vomiting-which can lead to choking and death
Long Term Effects of Alcohol Brain Destroys millions of brain cells Cannot be repaired or replaced Liver Liver damage Cirrhosis-scarring and destruction of liver tissue Heart Contributes high blood pressure Damage heart muscle Can cause heart failure Stomach Increases gastric juices Irritates stomach Can cause ulcers