Data assimilation in Austria Florian Meier, Xin Yan, Stefan Schneider, Christoph Wittmann, Yong Wang
Assimilation system: ALADIN-Austria parallel run Coupling with ARPEGE forecasts (3h coupling interval) Forecast: 00 UTC +72h, 6h-assimilation cycle Domain: 300x270 grid points; 9.6 km horizontal resolution; 60 layers cy35t1: 001,927,fullpos cy36t1: BATOR, CANARI, SCREENING, MINIMIZATION, BLEND, BLENDSUR Calculations at ZAMG; NEC SX8 Controlled by kornshell scripts (5 masterscripts + templates) no SMS
Activities since last meeting in Ljubljana Change from CANARI || 3D-Var to CANARI->3D-Var Additional assimilation step at 03 UTC abandoned Blacklists from MF Assimilation cy32t1->cy36t1 (since January 2011) Satellite data change from obsoul to bufr / grib Change from static BC to VarBC More satellite data: SEVIRI, HIRS, NOAA19, METOP, ASCAT SYNOP from ZAMG+OPLACE (->more stations in HU + CH) ALARO5 with CANARI+ECMWF lagged coupling operational since March 2011 -> linear truncation more levels in low atmosphere Case studies: 29.5.2010 (Hungary) ; 28.2-1.3.2011 (stratus) Vertical background correlation function in CANARI Some OSE, tests on GPS, new B-Matrix, snow analysis
Verification: upper air fields (Präsentation) 27.03.2017 Folie 4 RMSE 500hPa wind temperature 850hPa temperature wind Zeitraum 11/2010
Verification: screenlevel fields and precipitation (Präsentation) 27.03.2017 Folie 5 precipitation RMSE MAE -- BIAS RH2m RMSE + MAE S A L S A L T2m without assimilation with assimilation BIAS Zeitraum 11/2010
Bias 850 hPa 20101005-20101025 old new temperature wind Old vs new cycle Bias 850 hPa 20101005-20101025 old new temperature wind relative humidity geopotential
Bias 500 hPa 20101005-20101025 temperature old wind new Old vs new cycle Bias 500 hPa 20101005-20101025 temperature old wind new relative humidity geopotential
RMSE 850 hPa 20101005-20101025 old temperature wind new Old vs new cycle RMSE 850 hPa 20101005-20101025 old temperature wind new relative humidity geopotential
RMSE 500 hPa 20101005-20101025 old temperature wind new Old vs new cycle RMSE 500 hPa 20101005-20101025 old temperature wind new relative humidity geopotential
T2m OLD vs new cycle stations 0-500m 20101101-20101130 00 UTC-runs MSLP OPER ASSIM new OPER ASSIM old T2m OPER ASSIM old OPER ASSIM new
Surface stations used in 3D-Var RH2m T2m
1631 1626 Ts-increments 2298 2298 = Double observations from OPLACE/local data base in CANARI (visit of M. Bellus (SK) in Vienna) filtered before BATOR 1631 1626 Ts-increments OPLACE->ZAMG ZAMG->OPLACE not filtered beforeBATOR 2298 2298 =
Modification of CANARI background error statistics CANARI increments are quite smooth especially in Alpine areas and even in ALARO5 -> reduction of background horizontal correlation length and introduction of vertical correlation function as already existing for snow analysis also for T2m, RH2m in „catrma“ und „cacova“ (LCORRF=.TRUE.) d=45km, Pc=0.05 set in namelist reference d=60km Ts standard CANARI Ts CANARI +vert. corr.
500-1000m T2m RH2m MSLP vert. corr. reference T2m RH2m 1000-1500m Modification of CANARI background error statistics positive effect on T2m especially for stations between 500-1500m, mslp slightly worse, other parameters more or less neutral 500-1000m T2m RH2m MSLP vert. corr. reference T2m RH2m 1000-1500m
Assimilation of ASCAT 10m winds (25km resolution) 12,5km ASCAT wind data lead to crash in bator_decodbufr ascat_20110610_082332_metopa_24076_ear_o_250_ovw.l2_bufr.gz
Snow analysis in CANARI Some tests only with surface station data from ZAMG database Modification of namelist and routines hop.F90, bator_ecritures_mod.F90 RCSNSY=200. RCSNSY=2.5 REF_A_SN=50km, REF_S_SN=5. , REF_AP_SN=0.02
Snow analysis in CANARI problems: no 0 observations, no obs. over Switzerand and France, quality control -> station 16227 RCSNSY=2.5 RCSNSY=200.
„Impact of several observation systems“ (Präsentation) 27.03.2017 Folie 18 Impact of new satellite data NOAA19+Metop on temperature RMSE AMDAR METOP/NOAA19 TEMP AMSU-A GEOWIND AMSU-B SEVIRI HIRS GPS SYNOP Method following Storto und Randriamampianina 2010
CANARI || 3D-Var vs CANARI->3D-Var BIAS RMSE geopotential T
CANARI || 3D-Var vs CANARI->3D-Var BIAS RMSE Rel. humi. wind
Outlook: Less resources at ZAMG for data assimilation in the future Parallel run will probably be switched off soon Focus on AROME with some assimilation part (RUC+FGAT ASCAT soil moisture kalman filter) Maybe some time for testing new observations (Metop IASI, AIRS, SSMIS) CANARI vertical correlation in ALARO5?
Proposals of last meeting Done: New aladin cycle CANARI ->3D-Var instaed of || 03 UTC step abandoned 5km linear truncation and orography in ALARO5 (no 3D-Var yet) some experiments with CANARI background correlation Not done: Tuning of so, sb Channel selection of satellite data 5km-B-matrix IDFI
Case studies
Case study: squall line 29.5.2010
Case study: squall line 29.5.2010 +03h (Präsentation) 27.03.2017 Folie 26 CANARI only without assimilation CANARI+3D-var
Case study: squall line 29.5.2010 +06h (Präsentation) (Präsentation) 27.03.2017 27.03.2017 Folie 27 Folie 27 CANARI only without assimilation CANARI+3D-var
Case study: squall line 29.5.2010 +09h (Präsentation) (Präsentation) 27.03.2017 27.03.2017 Folie 28 Folie 28 CANARI only without assimilation CANARI+3D-var
Case study: squall line 29.5.2010 +12h (Präsentation) (Präsentation) 27.03.2017 27.03.2017 Folie 29 Folie 29 CANARI only without assimilation CANARI+3D-var
Case study: Low stratus at 1st March 2011 00 UTC
ALARO5 +24h ALADIN-Austria +24h ALADIN assim +24h Case study: Low stratus at 1st March 2011 00 UTC (Präsentation) 27.03.2017 Folie 31 ALARO5 +24h ALADIN-Austria +24h ALADIN assim +24h
Case study: Low stratus at 1st March 2011 00 UTC no inversion ALADIN-AUSTRIA ALADIN+3DVAR+CANARI ALARO5+CANARI
Heavy rain +Thunderstorm over Vienna 8th June 2011 82mm/12h in Vienna centre 44mm/30min 11.30-12.00 UTC
Case study squall line on 23rd July 2009 radar 20 UTC
Case study squall line on 23rd July 2009 INCA-analysis OPER 23rd July 00 UTC run: precipitation 18 UTC - 21 UTC 3DVAR+GPS CANARI+3DVAR SURFEX+ASCAT Niederschlag 18.00-21.00 UTC
Increments ALARO5-CANARI: surface temperature standard CANARI without vertical correlation of background error for T2m, RH2m modified CANARI version with vertical correlation of background error for T2m, RH2m