Malnutrition Prevention Programme Laura Pearce and Martin Field Kent
Contents The five principles Project Launch Photos of the launch event Work stream 1-Communication Work stream 2- Age UK BMI project Case Study Workstream 3-Residential Project Our challenges Greatest achievements so far
The Five Principles Raising awareness of malnutrition among staff and older people Working Together within and across organisations Identifying malnutrition and malnutrition risk early Providing Personalised Care, support and treatment Monitoring and evaluating the impact of the interventions and the individual outcomes
Project Launch Central location in the county-Ashford Our plan and aspiration for the Launch Day –Raising the awareness of malnutrition in the community and to inspire attendees to make small changes within their organisation. Our methodology on the day –Inform attendees about the impacts of malnutrition and the actions that can be taken to prevent it Result – Outputs developed into work streams
9 9 Context Kent is a large county (xx population) with many diverse communities; and the extent of malnutrition is not known. Collaboration between different sectors for health and social care can be challenging due to the size of the county. The MTF pilot therefore wants to run an awareness raising campaign to raise the profile of malnutrition as an issue, and to create a community-based force for change. Objectives & Scope Hold 2 awareness raising events to bring people together and share knowledge Build a collective plan for the campaign at the October event Raise awareness through the distribute campaign materials to reach xx people/organisations/sectors Create a ‘call to act’ with participants pledging to take action; and track progress Scope Kent-wide- but delivered over several pop up events due to the large size of the county Deliverables Generate a campaign plan Distribute posters and information materials through chosen channels Produce a video illustrating the impact of ‘small things that can make a difference Produce case studies and capture peoples stories Success Measures numbers of campaign information distributed number of people attending events, seminars etc measureable improvement in KAP survey Risks: reach in terms of breadth and depth is a challenge due to the size of the county Training & Resource Information materials Resource to support events Team structure and roles Pilot lead – Laura Pearce Coach – Lisa Godfrey Purpose Outputs Resources Others to involve TBC WORKSTREAM 1 : Awareness raising campaign
How?Votes TV and radio31 Articles in local newspapers20 Face to face16 Community groups10 Leaflets7 Where?Votes TV and radio24 GP surgery18 Community groups16 Local newspapers14 Local chemists11 Who?Votes Everyone29 GP's19 Voluntary groups14 Home care workers11 Meal providers8 What are we Communicating?Votes Make time to meet and eat30 It's not normal to get thin as you get older30 Malnutrition: Everyone's Responsibility26 Lighting the way to better nutritional care13 If you are losing weight you can do something about it4 Communication workshop session
11 Context Through a discussion at Ageuk, it was identified that older people who attended lunch clubs but didn’t access other Ageuk services could be at risk of malnutrition Objectives and Scope As a pilot, staff within Ageuk Faversham and AgeUK Maidstone will identify older people that attend lunch clubs who are potentially at risk of malnutrition Identified older people will be offered regular weighing which will be monitored weekly Where low weight or weight loss is an issue, interventions will be offered, for example meals on wheels Evaluate; and based on the learning, develop a consistent approach for roll out across Ageuk in Kent and consider use of volunteers Scope: Faversham and Maidstone residents and Ageuk staff for the initial pilot. Consider roll out across the Kent consortium Deliverables Recruit a minimum of 10 older people Capture core data on BMI and other points for the project Defined training requirements Produce a checklist for staff to identify at risk patients Produce roll out plan, case study and older peoples stories Success Measures % increase in weight of participants Increase in residents sense of wellbeing/decrease in feelings of isolation Risks: use of BMI insufficient as a sole measure Training & Resource Criteria for recognizing older people at risk of malnutrition Team structure and roles Age Uk lead – Paula Owen Pilot lead – Laura Pearce Coach – Lisa Godfrey Purpose Outputs Resources Others to involve [Kent Malnutrition Task Force Pilot Steering Group] [Individuals where we need input on specific issues, but not core team members] People who should be told that the work is happening WORKSTREAM 2 : Weighing older people identified as at risk of malnutrition in a community setting
Case Study-AgeUK BMI project Background Identified opportunity to work with vulnerable people in a day centre and domiciliary care setting Background Identified opportunity to work with vulnerable people in a day centre and domiciliary care setting Objective To train Age UK staff to be able to give nutritional advice and support. Provided 1-1 support and advice to 10 individuals at Maidstone day Centre and 10 in receipt of a domiciliary service. Objective To train Age UK staff to be able to give nutritional advice and support. Provided 1-1 support and advice to 10 individuals at Maidstone day Centre and 10 in receipt of a domiciliary service. Approach Nutrition training provided to Age UK staff by Kent Community Health Trust Dietetic staff. Volunteers recruited in both settings to take part in the project. Approach Nutrition training provided to Age UK staff by Kent Community Health Trust Dietetic staff. Volunteers recruited in both settings to take part in the project. Outcomes 9 people signed up with the domiciliary service and 4 within the day centre Excellent progress being made by the individuals taking part Outcomes 9 people signed up with the domiciliary service and 4 within the day centre Excellent progress being made by the individuals taking part
Workstream 3- Residential Home Project Background Idea came out of the launch event Enthusiasm generated at the event to work within this sector Small measures can have big impacts Background Idea came out of the launch event Enthusiasm generated at the event to work within this sector Small measures can have big impacts Objective KCHT- link up with ‘Mission Nutrition’ project Training session to all care home staff to be rolled out in 2015 Objective KCHT- link up with ‘Mission Nutrition’ project Training session to all care home staff to be rolled out in 2015 Approach Engage with the Care Home forums across the county Care home marketing campaign Approach Engage with the Care Home forums across the county Care home marketing campaign Outcomes (TBC) Deliver ½ day training session to all care home staff Outcomes (TBC) Deliver ½ day training session to all care home staff
Our Challenges Stakeholder engagement Engaging GPs Geographical nature of Kent Accountability
Our Greatest Achievements so Far! Stakeholders Age UK project –Personal outcomes achieved –Cross organisational working Launch event –Excellent turnout from a wide range of organisations –Generation of enthusiasm to tackle malnutrition in Kent
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