West Midlands Cardiovascular Strategic Clinical Network and Clinical Senate Rob Wilson Interim Associate Director and CVD Network Manager 16 th July 2015
Thank you Thank you all for attending today. Thanks also to all the speakers and a big thank you to all the Project Team who have worked very hard to bring this event to you all.
The Strategic Clinical Networks bring together those who use the service with those who provide and commission the service, in order to make improvements in outcomes across patient pathways using an integrated, whole system approach Strategic Clinical Networks Clinical Senate The Clinical Senate is a source of independent, strategic advice and guidance to commissioners and other stakeholders, to assist them to make the best decisions about healthcare for the populations they represent
Resources available to the region “With over 400 years of NHS experience, we offer unparalleled, independent strategic clinical advice and guidance to commissioners and other stakeholders to assist them in making the best healthcare decisions for the populations they represent”
We Work With - Clinicians and Managers - Patients, Service Users and Carers/The Citizens’ Senate - Clinical Commissioning Groups- Specialised Commissioners - NHS Trusts/Foundation Trusts- Local Authorities and Social Care - Private and Independent Sector Providers- Voluntary Sector - Commissioning Support Units- Public Health England - Health Education England/Local Education & Training Boards and Committees - West Midlands Academic Health Science Network - NHS Improving Quality - Other Networks (e.g. Operational Delivery Networks, etc.) - Special Interest Groups - West Midlands Strategic Clinical Networks and Clinical Senate Oversight Group - West Midlands Senate Council and Assembly- And many more…
Review of cancer services Cancer waiting times Improving dementia diagnosis Enhancing perinatal mental health services Gaining NICE accreditation for paediatric, neonatal and obstetric guidelines Reduction in inappropriate paediatric attendances at A&E Addressing unwarranted variation in end of life care Improving the detection and management of atrial fibrillation Improving access to renal transplantation Developing a familial hypocholesterolaemia service Early detection of progressive chronic kidney disease Birmingham, Solihull & Black Country stroke service reconfiguration Shropshire & Telford “Future Fit” programme” review Our Work & Current Projects
Housekeeping Wi-Fi is available and so is Photography Toilets Fire Alarm Refreshments & Lunch Feedback form CPD accreditation Please switch phones to silent Packed agenda so please stick to the timings
Today: Transplant First Aims of the day We need your views Patient information leaflet Slides will be available after the event
Web (Interim Associate Director & CVD Network Manager) (Quality Improvement Lead) (CVD Network Admin & Project Support Officer) Contact Us