NSS: Components of Institutional Experience 29 th April 2010 Dr Alex Buckley The Higher Education Academy
Purpose of session To give an overview of the enhancement work that has been done by UK HEIs, using NSS data Three themes: 1.Exploring results 2.Student engagement 3.Enhancement activities
1. Exploring results NSS results are indicative, not conclusive; they provide a starting-point for further investigation, not an end-point Two key ways of exploring results further: 1.Qualitative data 2.Internal institutional surveys “To be effective in quality improvement, data collected from surveys...must be transformed into information that can be used within an institution to effect change” (Harvey 2001)
1. Exploring results: qualitative data Focus groups: Free text comments –Use is advocated by some HEIs, used for leverage purposes by student unions Case: University of Wales, Newport - Getting detailed information about feedback and assessment, timetabling Case: Bishop Grosseteste - Unpicking questions, free-text comments Case: Sheffield Hallam: - “What would your experience have to be like to score 1 [or 5]?” - Organised event for staff to hear student voice
1. Exploring results: triangulation with internal surveys Many people think that this is one of the key ways of using a high-level national survey like the NSS for enhancement –2008 Academy report, CHERI 2003 Internal surveys are: detailed, flexible, targeted Issues with aligning questions: –NSS questions are too ambiguous: –Survey fatigue: –Artificial improvements Case: Southampton Solent - Streamlining of survey - Use internal survey at Level 1 and 2 only, and avoid Level 3 Case: University College for the Creative Arts - Rejected plan to include NSS questions, will rethink internal survey strategy
2. Student engagement Key component of many strategies Engagement with: students, student representatives and student unions Two main areas (in addition to focus groups already talked about): 1.Engaging with Student Unions and student / course representatives 2.Improving dissemination of information to students “To make an effective contribution to internal improvement processes, views of students need to be integrated into a regular and continuous cycle of analysis, reporting, action and feedback” (Harvey 2001)
2. Student engagement: Student Unions Helping to communicate information about the NSS, and to provide input on enhancement Case: University of the Arts, London - Student consultation facilitated by SU - SU reps on NSS steering group Case: Sheffield Hallam - SU reps on NSS task team - SU representatives taking part in class briefings Case: University of Leeds - SU actively prepared faculty reps for NSS discussions Case: Southampton Solent - Worked with SU to vigorously promote NSS to increase participation
2. Student engagement: Communicating with students Feedback on what action has been taken, “closing the feedback loop”: Better information about services and support: Managing expectations: Case: Sheffield Hallam - Production of a leaflet describing action taken in response to student feedback, “You Said, We Did...” Case: University of Wales, Newport - Development of a formal protocol for informing students about cancellations and timetable changes Case: University College for the Creative Arts - Production of an “assessment diary” for students, with realistic targets for the receipt of assessment
3. Enhancement activities: Internal dissemination Dissemination of data: Dissemination of good practice Case: Anonymous HEI - Submitted “department” as a variable, allowing them to break down results at departmental level Case: Manchester Metropolitan - Production of a breakdown by JACS code for programme teams that allows them to see where they stand on a national level Case: University of Essex - Produced and dissemination of “good practice guides” Case: University of Hertfordshire - Staff workshops to share both areas of concern and success
3. Enhancement activities: Changing processes Direct enhancement activities are very context- specific, but some examples: Case: University of Glamorgan - Independent scrutiny of coursework feedback - Used Outlook to alert staff about impending assessment deadlines Case: Anonymous HEI - Emphasising availability of Student Advisory Service Case: Anonymous HEI - Essay clinics for students, to give them a sense of what is expected - Establishment of a departmental teaching website for staff
Resources available NSS data –HEFCE website has data from all years, of varying levels of detail Case studies of enhancement work –EvidenceNet –Ipsos-Mori –NUS HEA Subject Centres –Disciplinary analysis and support EvidenceNet –Submit your own case studies HEA Surveys Conference –18 th May, Nottingham –Places still available!
Dr Alex Buckley