BE SURE YOU CHILD IS READING AT LEAST 20 MINUTES PER NIGHT with a book ON THEIR READING LEVEL. Ask your child what the book is about. For example: Who are the main characters (people or animals in the story or book)? Who is their favorite character and why? Where does the story happen (setting)? What is the problem? How do the people or animals in the story solve the problem? Read to your child from books in your native language. This helps promote background knowledge and improves their ability to transfer this knowledge into concepts learned and read about in English. In addition, it enhances and develops their native language vocabulary understanding, which increases their ability to draw connections with vocabulary words in English. Encourage your child to read aloud to YOU. Find ways to participate in your child’s education by becoming involved in Oak Park school events, organizations, and activities. Look for daily assignments and ask your child what homework they have each evening. Do not let your child watch T.V. when they complete their homework or read. Homework should be done in a quiet area. Set a scheduled time to complete homework in your household DAILY and stick to this time to set consistency. The earlier the better. Do not allow your child to complete homework just before bedtime. This is too late and they will be tired. Attend parent-teacher conferences on a regular basis. Do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns. We have access to the AT&T Language Line and can locate a translator within minutes that speaks your native language. LOVE YOUR CHILD AND PROVIDE POSITIVE ENCOURAGEMENT AT HOME! SUGGESTIONS FOR PARENTS
E.S.L. HOMEWORK REQUIREMENTS Read for 20 minutes EVERY night. Color in one picture on the monthly Home Reading calendar for each 20 minutes and write the title of the book beneath the picture. Parents will be asked to sign this form on the bottom confirming that their child did read the amount listed. Your child will be learning strategies throughout the year to assist them with their word decoding and reading comprehension. Each week, at least one specific strategy will be taught. On Tuesday's AND Thursday's, your child will be expected to write in their “E.S.L. Star Home Reading Response Journal” about the book they are currently reading or one assigned by me. They will be asked to write about what strategy they used to either help them decode words or remember what was read. My expectations will vary depending upon your child’s grade level and ability to write in English. In addition, your child MUST give specific examples from the story to show how they applied the strategies. I EXPECT QUALITY NOT QUANTITY. This lets me know that they did read the story and more importantly, whether or not they understand what was taught in E.S.L. class. Your child will have a spelling test on Friday’s for the weekly spelling words. They will receive a weekly spelling packet or worksheet to be completed. Sometimes a vocabulary worksheet will be assigned. Frequently, it takes us two weeks to complete a story, so grammar homework may also be assigned, if this occurs. ASK YOUR CHILD WHEN THEY HAVE A SPELLING TEST AND HELP THEM PRACTICE THEIR SPELLING WORDS ON THURSDAY NIGHT. Please remember that your child will have either SPELLING, VOCABULARY OR GRAMMAR WORKSHEETS for homework in E.S.L. Class ON MONDAY’S AND WEDNESDAY’S IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIRED 20 MINUTES OF HOME READING.