Συνάντηση στη Θεσσαλονίκη Meeting Thessaloniki June 2011 Spanish Team R. Ortega, R. Del Rey, J. A. Casas & J. Calmaestra
Daphne 3 Designing and Impact of the programme Spanish Team R. Ortega, R. Del Rey, J. A. Casas & J. Calmaestra
1. Aims 1. Aims 3. Sessions and Contents 3. Sessions and Contents 4. Materials 4. Materials 5. Developing time 5. Developing time 2. Beneficiaries 2. Beneficiaries 6. Impact evaluation 6. Impact evaluation 7. Conclusions 7. Conclusions
Name of the educational programme Programa Psicoeducativo sobre el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación y las Redes Sociales Psychoeducational program on the use of Information Technology and Communication and Social Networks
1. Aims Demonstrating the importance of a good knowledge of ICT, Internet and social networks to make good and fitted use of them. Provide an understandable body of concepts and basic operations of digital tools to make a safe and healthy use of them. Encourage the development of a plan of action, embedded in the legislative documents of the school, in situations of risk in the use of ICT in discharged which the main strategies. Promote and raise a positive and beneficial safe use of ICT To promote the reflection on the importance of ICT among young people’s lives.
2. Beneficiaries Direct beneficiaries – 3 schools – 590 Students – 150 Families – 110 teachers
3. Sessions and Contents Depending on the target population towards the intervention was aimed (students, teachers and families), it had differential features, sharing similar global objectives, but adjusting to the perspective of each of the groups or recipients to whom it is addressed. The contents are divided into three parts or blocks: 1. What are the Internet and Social Networks? 2.Benefits of using the Internet and Social Networks 3.Risks of using Internet and Social Networks
3. Sessions and Contents STUDENT SESSIONS Session 1: What does ICT mean for you? And the social networks? Session 2: Are you still out of social networks? Session 3: Our plan of action Session 4: How can the internet help me? Session 5: Do you help? Do you get help? Do they understand you? Do you understand them? Session 6: What do we do in the internet and why it may damage us? Session 7: Risks and advantages Session 8: The webquest: psicoeducativo-sobre-el-uso-de-las-tecnologias-de-la-informacion-y- la-co
3. Sessions and Contents Families: Social Networks: A new environment of relationships Teachers: Living together with young people, living in social networks
4. Materials Direct programme: – Student: power point files with links to sort videos to help the students for the understanding. – Families: power point files with links to sort videos to help the families for the understanding, a list of recourses and the EMICI protocol – Teachers: power point files with links to sort videos to help the teachers for the understanding, a list of recourses and the EMICI protocol Dissemination : – Posters, bookmarks, stickers, leaflets for students, families and teachers
5. Developing time School 1School 2School 3Total Students 6 S x 8 G= 48 hours 4 S x 7 G= 28 hours 8 S x 6 G= S x 3 G= 12 h. = 60 hours 136 hours Teachers1 S x 1 G= 4 hours 12 hours Families1 S x 1 G= 3 hours 9 hours Total55 Hours35 hours67 hours157 hours
6. Impact evaluation
Participants PreTest 3 secondary schools. 893 students Age (M): PosTest 3 secondary schools 820 students Age (M): 14.41
Participants Experimental Group 3 secondary schools. 595 students Age (M): Control Group 3 secondary schools 296 students Age (M): 14.92
TOOLDIMENSIONSALPHA PRETEST ALPHA POSTEST Bullying Scale Victim 0,8340,852 Aggressor 0,7730,736 Total0,8280,820 Cyberbullying Scale Victim 0,8100,872 Aggressor 0,8590,836 Total0,8640,902 Perceived Information Control (Dinev, Xu & Smith, 2009) Total0,8960,851 CERI (Cuestionario de experiencias relacionadas con internet) (Internet-Related Experience Questionnaire) (Beranuy, Chamarro, Graner & Carbonell-Sánchez, 2009) Interpersonal0, Intrapersonal0,7730,794 Total0,8400,868 INSTRUMENTS
Results: Bullying Control Group
Results: Bullying Experimental Group
Results: Bullying Roles Control Group
Bullying Roles Experimental Group
Results: Cyberbullying Control Group
Cyberbullying Experimental Group
Cyberbullying Roles Control Group
Cyberbullying Roles Experimental Group
Perceived Control Information *
CERI Control Group
CERI Experimental Group
7. Conclusions Decreasing: – Bullying and Cyberbullying level – Cyberbullying prevalence – Interpersonal addition to Internet – Perceived Control Information To do in the next future: – Go deeply to the analysis and explore possible related variables, i.e. duration of the intervention. – Criteria for implication