Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities OGT Review
A.Participation 1.Decision-Making Role of Citizens: a.Dictatorships & Absolute Monarchies: 1.Citizens have a very limited or no role in decision making & selecting their leaders. 2.Decision making is in the hands of leaders who have no obligation to obtain citizen support. 3.Government advisors are appointed by the head of state to help make decisions, without the input of citizens. 4.Citizens may attempt to bring about change through mass protest or revolution. 5.Citizens risk punishment if they try to bring about change or make their wishes known. 6.Citizens in dictatorships may be allowed to vote in elections, but only for government-approved candidates. a. Citizens may be required to participate in elections in which the dictator is the only candidate on the ballot. b. In an absolute monarchy, citizens have no say in selecting the monarch.
2.Civil Disobedience: a.The purpose of civil disobedience is to call attention to a perceived injustice. b.Forms of Civil Disobedience: 1.Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s. a.Illegal acts of dissent: 1.Sit-Ins by the Blacks blocking entrances into public buildings. 2.Student Protests during the Vietnam War. a.Illegal acts of dissent: 1.Young people refused to register for the draft. 2.Young people flee to Canada to avoid the draft. 3.Burning of draft cards. a.Violated a law that the protesters considered to be unjust. 4.Refusing to pay taxes in protest.
3.Women’s Suffrage Movement of the late 1800’s. a.Illegal acts of dissent: 1.Voting illegally in an election. a.Susan B. Anthony knowingly deliberately violated New York state law by casting a ballot in the presidential election of (Found guilty &fined) 1.Her purpose was to call attention to a perceived injustice of women not being allowed to vote in any election. c.Forms of Legal Acts of Dissent: 1.Types of Protests: a.Organized protest marches. (If approved) b.Publishing underground newspapers.
B.Rights & Responsibilities 1.Freedom of Speech. a.Can be restricted when an individual threatens public safety. 1.Ex. Espionage Act, a.Charles Schenck was found guilty for distributing leaflets urging men to resist induction into the draft. 1.Courts ruled this is not a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution. a.Individual rights can be balanced against the security of the nation in time of war. b.Limited by laws against slander & libel. 2.Freedom of the Press. a.Can be restricted during wartime. 1.It could threaten national security by reporting military secrets.