Emergency Management, Long-Term Recovery Organizations, YLD Hotline, and other resources Leslie N. Powell June 2009
National Resources ABA/LSC/NLADA/probono.net co-sponsored disaster website: National Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters: Federal Emergency Management Agency
State Resources Florida Emergency Management Florida Legal Services Disaster Group Florida Legal Services Disaster Manual manual/
Local Resources County/Regional Emergency Management asp American Red Cross Long Term Recovery Organization Local Bar Association
Defining a disaster 1) Governor declares disaster – defines areas and needs. Advises FEMA/President of need for federal assistance. 2) President determines whether federal assistance will be granted and what kind. 3) Disaster Recovery Centers are activated (DRCs). Why is this important?
Shelters open first DRCs may not happen until a week or more after the actual disaster. Shelters tend to be harder to access for confidentiality/privacy reasons. Most LTROs and/or ARC chapters provide volunteer training and drills. Participate in these opportunities to improve access to these entry points to inform the community of their legal rights.
Legal Problems don’t come first Response – Recovery – Mitigation Remind the community, including long-time community partners and media, that legal services will be available when it is needed. -Brochures - Community Education -Readying staff for intake
Disaster Readiness as a Year-Round Part of Your Community Outreach Who has mitigation funds in your area? Contractor education opportunities Who provides assistance to persons with disabilities? Special Needs Registration Legal Preparedness as part of financial stability Insurance education – forced-place insurance Title problems Education – McKinney-Vento protections if a child becomes “homeless”
Special Needs Registration The Special Needs Registry: Individuals who may need assistance during a disaster because of physical, mental, or cognitive impairments; or because of sensory disabilities. -Pre-qualifies the individual for Special Needs shelters -Allows the individual to pre-authorize emergency responders to enter their homes during search and rescue operations. Register through various community-based providers or the emergency management office.
LTROs – What do they do? Create leadership and organization around recovery efforts Allow for receipt of various pots of mitigation and rebuilding funds, and sometimes even for supportive services May allow for transition of temporary housing Create combined effort for not just recovery, but preparedness resources as well
LTRO Role in Affordable Housing Pre-disaster:Can assist in identifying the stock of affordable, low-income housing Post-disaster:Can assist in determining what is left and defining what is needed to restore affordable housing to pre-disaster levels or better. CDBG funds – can help ensure these are used to restore affordable housing
Pro Bono Initiatives YLD Hotline: Referrals will likely be made from these volunteers to legal services programs. Local YLD:Opportunities to provide education to local attorneys who will likely take referrals from the hotline Who else? Identify other attorneys who specialize in areas needed after a disaster (construction, insurance, etc.)
Conclusion Your disaster plan will run more smoothly if making these contacts and engaging with these agencies is a part of it.